What Do You Want Mario Party Legacy to Cover at E3?

Mario Party Legacy will be on the E3 show floor once again, covering the latest Nintendo has to offer. Of course, we will focus on all the latest Mario games that are available for viewing and demoing, but we would like to get some input directly from our readers and viewers. What games do you want us to cover most at E3?

We will cover all the Mario games regardless, but knowing what you want to see most helps us determine what you want to see first and how much time we should spend covering certain games. Or perhaps there is a non-Mario game that a good chunk of you want to see coverage on. Below I have set up a poll, asking which games you want the most coverage on. Allow yourself to pick 3 games, then let us know what you think in detail in the comments.


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E3 2013 will be held from June 11 to June 13. I’m excited to see what you guys have to say!


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