Yes, we are back with Community Night for a second round of Mario Kart Wii! Join the community and make new friends as we get together and play! This Community Night will be hosted by Dark Boo, and everyone will need to exchange friend codes with him in order to get into the room! We will be playing this Friday, and you can check the times below:
Friday, January 4, 2013
1:00 PM (13:00) PST
4:00 PM (16:00) EST
9:00 PM (21:00) GMT
10:00 PM (22:00) CET
Saturday, January 5, 2013
5:00 AM (05:00) Japan
6:00 AM (06:00) AEST
Mario Kart Wii does not include the function to add communities like Mario Kart 7, and is instead restricted to rooms hosted by your registered friends. Thus, we need everyone who plans to play to leave their friend code in the comments so we can add them to the list:
- Dark Boo [HOST] – 0132-2455-5899
- Toblet – 3096-2005-8876
- Yoshiman222 – 3182-1509-1636
- Microphone_Kirby – 1077-2372-9356
- Lord Vaati – 4597-0512-0100
- SuperZambezi – 4812-3387-1834
- Gameguy96 – 2579-5346-6379
- Yukarin – 0518-9780-2280
- Charles S. – 3222-8609-3677
- LuigifanGCN3DS – 4041-2686-3975
- Toadette – 4812-7719-2057
- RainbowJinx – 1807-2405-1060
- Super Luigi ‘n Toad – 0433-7229-5394
- Nuke995 – 4726-0371-0689
Before we start racing, everyone will need to register the friend codes of Dark Boo. For those that are frequent visitors to the site, we have a shoutbox set up below. Feel free to exchange friend codes and play in preparation of the event. Get to know your fellow readers and the shoutbox will also be our main communication during the event. See you all Friday!
Get your own Chat Box! Go Large!
[chatroll width=’100%’ height=’350′ id=’_CT7tQ_PUb2′ name=’community-night-1-04-12′ apikey=’vujpljde9o31geh4′]