Some of you may not be aware, but here at Mario Party Legacy, we have a lively community that shares thoughts and ideas on just about everything in our Forum. Taking the time to talk a little bit about what Mario Party Legacy has meant for them, eight of our Forum members describe exactly that. And remember, it’s never too late to join the Forum! We could always use a few new faces!
Maxime says:
To me, Mario Party Legacy means a good place to find specific information about Mario Party games, to be able to express myself about these, being in a community that share my passion. It’s a good place to be for someone who really like the Mario Party franchise as it shows a lot of things about it as well as how the forum design is made. The website gives lot of good information and some interesting articles about Mario games, which most of Mario games do interest me; mostly when it’s spin-offs titles like Mario Party, but there are some others as well.
It’s also a great and friendly community that likes to read and comment about what you think. It’s also a unique place to have fun with diverse activities that are organized through the forum which are interesting to make the forum more active and interesting to be around. It’s also a place where I can just relax, chat and meet interesting people through the topics and the shoutbox is a good place to talk about either these or talking for fun. Overall, it’s a really good place to be and it’s really well made. I do hope this place to continue growing in the future!
DJ Swangler says:
Mario Party Legacy. At first, this was suppose to be like every other normal gaming site. You come here, comment about video games and stuff. Interact with other people and voice your opinion. For the past 3 years though, MPL has filled that empty place, that empty part I can’t fill in real life. I’ve met a couple of great and funny people. Not necessarily people who are 100% like me, but people that can understand me and with who I can have fun. This place also gave me the opportunity to show my real me, to talk about my interests without being ashamed. What makes this place what it is, is the strong community it has. I rarely see a forum with such an awesome community. Like every big family, there will be times where we fight and just can’t look at each others profile (saying face would be awkward lol), but we still are here. I could go on, but let’s just leave it there. MPL has played a big role in my online life.
Timmy says:
So, being the Mario nerd I am, I was looking for Mario forums back then. I found the SMPFS, but for whatever reason I could not login and completely overlooked the “Forgot Password” feature, so I just ignored it. Then, I found the Mario Party DS Forum, and I liked it there. I shared my ideas, talked with people and made friends. I had discussed Mario Party 9 (this was when I was like 10 or 11 years old) on there too, and I was having my doubts if it would ever come out… And one day, the Mario Party DS forum had closed. I was completely shocked and I panicked, to be honest. Then I remember the SMPFS site… I used the “Forgot Password” feature, and I was finally able to log in! Though it was known as Mario Party Legacy when I officially had join. 😛
So then, I finally joined, and made my intro topic. Though I had never noticed the replies until several months after; I thought I’d get e-mailed everytime someone posted in it. 😛 However, the forum looked like it was meant for me with my love of the Mario Party series and other Nintendo games, so I decided to stay. And you know what? I’m glad I did. 😀 I was pretty shy though… I was pretty hesitant to post, and I felt stupid about not knowing what double posting meant. I thought it had meant you can’t make a message using the reply action 2 times in the same topic, so if I wanted to post again, I thought I’d have to quote someone’s post. Man, was I wrong. XD
Here, I had made some great friends. Staryu, Dark Boo, VIP, Berry, Spirit, Chubbo, Cook, and the list just goes on and on. I loved interacting with others (by joining their activities, or simply chatting with them) and am I glad I had met you guys. We have a lot in common, so I knew we’d be such great friends. 😀 I talk with most of them outside the forum, and it’s definitely been a pleasure doing so. 😉 I was pretty hyped about Mario Party 9 back then and I was definitely glad there was going to be one. If I hadn’t joined, I probably never would’ve heard about it. =P
…But then I was rather disappointed with the game. I’m sure others were too. 😛
Last year, when the staff members of the forum had started a podcast, I was excited. It was very entertaining and enjoyable. When I discovered you guys were having guests, I wanted to be one ASAP. Then when Staryu had asked me to join… I was very ecstatic and honored. Then when I had officially became a regular, that was the best moment of that day. XD This forum means a lot to me. Now, I can express myself without fear of being judged or ridiculed, and the friends I’ve made here are very important. Definitely glad to have joined, and I’m definitely looking forward to the future of MPL! ^__^
Aegis says:
I’m probably the only person here that doesn’t have a Mario Party connection, but that doesn’t matter to me. What is important to me is the community that I have grown to know and love. Of course, we all have our differences and we may spat a little, and I may get a little hot headed with other members, but I consider that part of being a “family”. Although the core interest of the site doesn’t appeal to me at all, I can still have fun these members who have all sorts of personality traits and make the forum unique. Whether it’s Toadette’s close encounters of the Toad kind, Staryu’s sassy talk, Dark Boo’s long-ass rants, or Cook’s endeavors into the Phykick mind, MPL is an interesting place for MP lovers and haters.
Snowy says:
MPL will always be that little sibling to me, you know? Like since I joined MPF, MPL has always been the “sister site” and probably always will, only because I’ve had a closer connection with the MPF people. But, by joining MPL I’ve met a lot of really cool people and I’ve become friends with a lot of different people and I really like that. While I know that not everyone here likes me or has the fondest of memories of me, I still like the people here and I find some of the topic interesting.
SpiderStaryu says:
This forum means a lot to me, I’ve been involved in other forum communities before and have had friends I’ve kept in contact with, but not like this. The person here are very kind and real people, I feel so absorbed into this community. I come on every day, wondering what juice has been poured and I’m almost never disappointed. There’s very interesting people here, and plenty of people I’ve become best friends with through this forum, including Dark Boo, Timmy, The Joker, VIP, DKH, Berry, PartyPopStar, Aegis, and SZ (I know we don’t agree all the time, but I would consider us to be great friends. 😀 Haha, you’re alright, kid). And even best friends from the past like Toadette who I’ve been friends with for so many years, luckily, I finally came in contact with her through this forum.
This forum, as cheesy as it sounds, has changed my life. I use to be so arrogant and bitter… but this forum, the people, helped changed my attitude for the better. Now I’m very juicy and the sun ALWAYS shines on me, I’m also a lot more social than what I use to be. I do have my moments of being ghetto, but I definitely consider myself to be a better person than to who I was in the past. This forum also helped me come up of the idea of MPI, which I know will be something huge one day, I just know it. Along with that, many other great stuff have come as well, like The Lost Levels, the podcast we do weekly. I’ve got so involved with it, it’s like a part-time job to me, but the difference is it’s fun!
This forum means a lot to me. I’m so glad I was able to join back when I did. 2010 may have not been the best year, but 2012 was sure as hell a fantastic boost. We’ve come a long way, now it’s 2013 and I can definitely tell things are going to get a lot better. I can’t wait to meet more amazing people and continue being a part of this outstanding community.
Luma Party says:
Mario Party Legacy is a good place to talk to people. Especially people who like the whole Mario series. When I have nothing to do I come on the forum and see what’s going on. I like seeing other people’s opinions on topics such as games. I also love the activities going on and that they are fun. VIP’s Super Mario Survivors kept me on the main site and without them I may have never returned to the Legacy. The staff members do a great job at what they’re supposed to do and make this place better everyday. Without this website and forum I may have been bored completely this winter.
This site is an amazing place to come to everyday and discuss anything. I look forward to being on this site and forum everyday for many days to come.
eboyblue3 says:
Back in the days of yore, I was just a normal guy browsing the Internet when I found this site. I was hyped about the activities where you could play Mario Party online! Some time later, I registered for this very place. I was an active forumer and had a tough time when nobody was there. Some MORE time later, I quit MPL without notice. I just wasn’t thinking about these forums for a while! Now, we fast-forward to October of last year.
I kept getting results from here as I searched about everything Mario. I decided: why not get back on the forum? I became an active member again and discovered everything I missed. One of my good friends (on the forum, not in real life), TheAntiGuy, changed his name to PokeMaster and left while I was gone! I updated my forum profile and just slipped back in to topics. That’s where we are right now, me being a general forum user and celebrating my Bob-omb rank!