New Super Mario Bros. 2 has finally reached into the European country, Italy. Although the digital distribution was available all of Europe from the Nintendo E-Shop, the retail version (physical copies) were delayed by a whole week for Italy. The reason for the delay in Italy was simple: There were some Italian stereotypes involved within. Now Italians can buy the physical copy if they so wish to do so. As I promised from the last update, Italians, it is finally time for you to grab the gold.
Recently, according to various Nintendo news on New Super Mario Bros. 2, we now know that gamers world-wide have accumulated over 36 billion coins (36,000,000,000), with Japan having accumulated over 30,000,000,000 coins in that country alone. Keep collecting those coins, it won’t be long before we see one quadrillion (1,000,000,000,000,000) coins world-wide! Wario is seriously jealous of all of you! Wario: HEY, GIVE ME THOSE COINS YOU GATHERED! THEY WERE MINE!