What if LP made Rock Scissors Paper?

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There are 5 moves, Kumatora, Wobbuffet, Fawful, LP, and Game Boy Advance
Kumatora beats Wobbuffet by punishing him
Kumatora beats LP by sending him to the showers
Wobbuffet beats Fawful by countering his attack
Wobbuffet beats GBA by confusing it as Ash's Pikachu, and kidnapping it
Fawful beats LP by stealing his voice
Fawful beats Kumatora by mocking her
LP beats Wobbuffet by capturing him
LP beats GBA by beating every game on it
GBA beats Kumatora, by addicting her
GBA beats Fawful, by showing Fawful's defeat (SuperStar Saga), which causes Fawful to be sad
Luigi Party! (a.k.a. Kumatora) said:
Dark Boo said:
For real...
The fact that it's 5 as well
It's just like my Rock Paper WHAT!? mini-games just with changing the names and attack moves
I'm actually putting Kumatora Fawful Wobbuffet LP GBA on TP Minigames, actually. :p

I just posted a mini-game like that for my game on the same day and here you come taking it's template and changing the words and actions around
I would be like Oooo but it's exactly like my mini-game that I posted TODAY
Usually I don't bitch or care but this isnt' a coincidence
Dark Boo said:
Luigi Party! (a.k.a. Kumatora) said:
Dark Boo said:
For real...
The fact that it's 5 as well
It's just like my Rock Paper WHAT!? mini-games just with changing the names and attack moves
I'm actually putting Kumatora Fawful Wobbuffet LP GBA on TP Minigames, actually. :p

I just posted a mini-game like that for my game on the same day and here you come taking it's template and changing the words and actions around
I would be like Oooo but it's exactly like my mini-game that I posted TODAY
Usually I don't b**** or care but this isnt' a coincidence
I do really think that there is a game called 'Rock Scissors Paper Lizard Spock' in Wikipedia.
But I'm sorry if you think this was a copy- I won't put this on TP.
Luigi Party! (a.k.a. Kumatora) said:
Dark Boo said:
Luigi Party! (a.k.a. Kumatora) said:
Dark Boo said:
For real...
The fact that it's 5 as well
It's just like my Rock Paper WHAT!? mini-games just with changing the names and attack moves
I'm actually putting Kumatora Fawful Wobbuffet LP GBA on TP Minigames, actually. :p

I just posted a mini-game like that for my game on the same day and here you come taking it's template and changing the words and actions around
I would be like Oooo but it's exactly like my mini-game that I posted TODAY
Usually I don't b**** or care but this isnt' a coincidence
I do really think that there is a game called 'Rock Scissors Paper Lizard Spock' in Wikipedia.
But I'm sorry if you think this was a copy- I won't put this on TP.

I know there's a game called that
But it's not irony or a coincidence when someone mentions the game in their game and next thing you know, someone  doing the same thing
There are like 100 different iterations of Rock Paper Scissors
Dark Boo said:
Luigi Party! (a.k.a. Kumatora) said:
Dark Boo said:
Luigi Party! (a.k.a. Kumatora) said:
Dark Boo said:
For real...
The fact that it's 5 as well
It's just like my Rock Paper WHAT!? mini-games just with changing the names and attack moves
I'm actually putting Kumatora Fawful Wobbuffet LP GBA on TP Minigames, actually. :p

I just posted a mini-game like that for my game on the same day and here you come taking it's template and changing the words and actions around
I would be like Oooo but it's exactly like my mini-game that I posted TODAY
Usually I don't b**** or care but this isnt' a coincidence
I do really think that there is a game called 'Rock Scissors Paper Lizard Spock' in Wikipedia.
But I'm sorry if you think this was a copy- I won't put this on TP.

I know there's a game called that
But it's not irony or a coincidence when someone mentions the game in their game and next thing you know, someone  doing the same thing
There are like 100 different iterations of Rock Paper Scissors
Actually, I started making this 4 and 5 days and just mentioned this as a preview in Teamwork Party
But still, I'm sorry if you think this was a copy.
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