Rules: Teamwork Party is like the 8 player mode in Mario Party 7, but it is different, as now everybody could move individually instead of sticking with your partner. Also, there are mini-stars, which is a replacement for stars, which can either be won from spaces or picked up. You can also mini-stars for coins, like the star space. The game will end, when 21 (4 Days, 3 Nights) turns passed, and when the final boss is defeated.
Day/Night: Day and Night has its different happenings, there are exclusive systems of day and night, and there is something happened to the board between day and night. Day and Night will switch every 3 turns, when Clock Space is landed, or when Day Night Clock is used.
Assist Trophy: It will activate when Day/Night changes- something will be happened to twist up the gameplay- it might be good, or bad
Exclusive to Day
Item Spaces: You answer a question to get an item/orb.
Mini Events: Events are less risky.
Areas: Mushroom Marts and Lotto Shops are only active at Day.
Exclusive to Night
Item Spaces: You play an item minigame to get an item/orb.
Mini Events: Events are more risky.
Areas; Night Shops and Boo Houses are only active at Night.
Blue Spaces: You get 3 coins, and 1 ministar
Red Spaces: You lose 3 coins, and 1 ministar
Happening Spaces: Some kind of event starts
Battle Spaces: Participate in a Battle Minigame
Duel Spaces: Duel with another player
Spin Spaces: Spin a Spinner, and something happens
Bowser Spaces: Bowser will hinder your team
Mini Event Spaces: Participate in a Mini Event
Clock Spaces: Day/Night changes
Positive Spaces: Go to a Positive Route- get some bonus here
Negative Spaces: Go to a Negative Route- expect to lose a lot here
Star Splurge Spaces: If you pass this space, you can trade your coins for ministars- (2c=1m), and the location will switch
Koopa Kid Spaces: If you pass this space, Koopa Kid will steal your coins- it's located on a former Star Splurge Space
Passing Events
Mushroom Mart: This mart sells more Self-using items and Character Space Orbs than the others. (Day Only)
Night Shop: This mart sells more Hindering items and Roadblock Space orbs than the others. (Night Only)
Lotto House: Get a Lotto Ticket when you FIRST pass here. And play one of these games- (Day Only)
Lotto Scratchoff: Choose one of the 16 tickets, for a prize
Lotto Wheel: Spin a wheel, and get a prize
Advanced Lotto: Only available when you are 3rd/6th/9th/so on to enter this store- it is same as the 2 above, but the odds of winning is much higher
Boo House: Steal some coins/ministars from your opponent (Night Only)
Big Boo: Only available when you are 3rd/6th/9th/so on to enter this house- you can steal coins from every opponents
5 Coins-
Mushroom: Roll 2 Times. (Self)
Sluggish Shroom: Choose your dice roll. (Self)
Back Shroom: Go reverse. (Hinder)
Slow Shroom: Roll up to 5. (Hinder)
Mobile Phone: Call an Item Shop. (Self)
Warp Pipe: Switch Places with an opponent. (Self)
10 coins
Super Shroom: Roll 3 Times. (Self)
Minigame Gong: Start a minigame, either vs8, 2vs6, Battle vs8, Battle 2vs6, or Duel. (Self)
Gaddlight: Protect Boo Attacks. (Self)
Metal Cap: You won't get harmed by roadblocks and mini-ztars (Self)
Chomp Call: The Ministar Splurge Space and the Koopa Kid Space is changed (Hinder)
Snag Bag: Steal someone else's item. (Hinder)
Green Shell: Take 20 coins from whoever you passed (Hinder)
Sleepy Sheep: Make someone rest one turn (Hinder)
15 coins
Lotto/Boo Phone: Participate in a Lotto at Day- Hinder opponents by Boo at Night (Self at Day, Hinder at Night)
Mach Bike: Roll 2 dice for 3 turns (Self)
Lucky Coin: Get 5 coins for per step (Self)
Day Night Clock: Day/Night changes (Self)
Fire Flower: Anyone you pass loses 10 coins and it's given to you- activated for 3 turns (Hinder)
Ice Flower: Anyone you pass gets frozen and has to rest for 1 turn- activated for 3 turns (Hinder)
20 coins
Magic Lamp: Go all the way to Ministar Splurge Space (Self)
Retry Clock: Make 2 Turns (Self)
Red Shell: Take anyone you pass 20 mini-stars (Hinder)
Wobbuffet: Reflect any damage double the effect (Hinder)
25 coins
Better Lotto/Boo Phone: Participate in a Advanced Lotto at day, steal other's coins by Big Boo at night (Day: Help, Night: Hinder)
Wing Cap: Warp to ANY space- you can't roll (Help)
Fake Juice: The victim loses 1/2 of their mini-stars (Hinder)
Hammer Suit: Take 10 mini-stars from whoever you pass- activated for 3 turns (Hinder)
30 coins
Item Bag: Get 5 random items (Both)
Character Spaces
10 Coins
Hammer Bro Orb: The victim's team loses 10 coins, which is given to the owner
Thundervolt Orb: Pikachu will use thundervolt, so all of the victim's team's items/orbs are gone
Trap Orb: The player is sent back to start
15 Coins
Vaacum Orb: All the teams lose 4/8/12/16/20 coins, the owner's team gets it all
Team Attack Orb: One team lose 12/24/36/48/60 coins, all the other team gets it split
Plunder Chest Orb: The victim's team lose 1 item/orb of the owner's choice, which will be given to the owner
Bomb Orb: The victim's team lose half of their coins, which will be given to the owner
20 Coins
Pink Boo Orb: Pink Boo will come out, and steal the victim's team's 20 ministars, given to the owner
Kumatora Orb: Kumatora will smack the victim by her glove, making the victim's team lose ALL of their coins, which will be given to the owner
Fawful Orb: Fawful will attack the victim, making the victim's team lose HALF of ther mini-stars, which will be given to the owner.
Roadblock Orbs
10 Coins
Spiny Orb: The victim's team loses 10 coins
Thwomp Orb: The victim has to stop on that space
Teleport Orb: The victim and the owner will swap places
Team Rocket Orb: The player will blast off with Team Rocket, to the random space
15 Coins
Amp Orb: The victim loses 5 coins per step, the owner's team gets it
Whomp Orb: The victim has to stop on that space, and lose 10 coins
Dynamite Orb: The victim loses half of his coins
Toady Orb: The victim loses 1 item or orb of the owner's choice, but it isn't given to the owner
20 Coins
Anti Coin Orb: The victim's team loses all of ther coins
Crush Pit Orb: The victim's team loses half of their mini-stars, it isn't given to the owner, greedy punks
Bowser Event
Bowser Minigame: Everybody plays a Bowser Minigame- the team with a loser gets a penalty
Bowser Swap: The player's one stat is swapped with another player
Bowser Destroy: Bowser destroys all your items and orbs
Bowser Mini Event: Bowser starts a Mini Event- which always gives you a bad effect
Bowser Roam: Bowser will roam around the board with 3 dice, starting from the Koopa Kid Space
Interuption: Kumatora, Wobbuffet, and Fawful interrupts the event- and nothing happens
Last Five Turns
First, there's a Lotto Drawing- you have to match the numbers (1-8) in order
Match Nothing: Get Nothing...
Match 1: 20 coins
Match 2: 20 Ministars
Match 3: 30 coins and 20 ministars
Match 4: 50 coins and 30 ministars
Second, the last place team recieves one of these-
Coin Bonus: 30 Coins
Ministar Bonus: 20 Ministars
Item+Orb Bonus: Rare 3 items, Rare 3 orbs
Character Bonus: Get 3 Character Spaces and 2 Roadblock Spaces
Then one of these things happen-
Bowser Revolution: Everybody's ministar counts equals
50% Sale: Everything that can be bought is cutten in half
Double Damage: Every attack does Double Damage- Wobbuffet does x4 Counter
Everything is Lucky: Every Minigames are now Lucky Minigames
Multi-Splurge: There are now 3 Ministar Splurge Spaces- there are now 3 Koopa Kid Spaces
Space Multiplier: Every Blue/Red Space bonuses are tripled
Bonus Ministars
All of them equals 20 mini-stars
Coin Star: Get the most coins at any point
Minigame Star: Win the most mini-games
Item Star: Use the most items
Shopaholic Star: Buy the most at Item Shops
Unlucky Star: Lose the most coins/ministars the most
Happening Star: Land on the most ? Spaces
Minigame Types
VS 8: 8 Players duke it off each other! It happens when a Lead Player from every team lands on a same space.
VS 8 Battle: 8 Players duke it off, to win the jackpot!
The entrance fee is 10 coins, 1/2 of your coins, all of your coins, 1/4 of your ministars, 1/2 of your ministars, or 1/2 of your coins + 1/4 of your ministars.
1st Place gets 40%, 2nd Place gets 25%, 3rd Place gets 10%, 4th Place gets 5%, the rest will get nothing.
2 vs 6: 2 Players try to defeat the 6 Players, and vice versa! It happens when 1 Lead Player lands on Red/Blue, while the others land on Blue/Red.
4 vs 4: 4 Players try to defeat the other 4 Players, and vice versa! It happens when 2 Leads lands on Blue/Red, while the others land on Red/Blue.
1 vs 1: It's a duel! It starts when someone lands on a duel space.
The prizes are- 20 coins, 1/2 of victim's team's coins, all if your coins, 1/4 of your ministars, 1/2 of your ministars, or 1/2 of your coins and 1/4 of your ministars, which is decided by a slot of physicness.
Lucky: It happens on every 3 turns! The prize is doubled or tripled.
Vs8 Normal
Caption It!: Caption the picture, then vote for the best caption!
Hot Bob-omb: Pass the Bob-omb either your front, left, or right! But don't just get blasted off...
Hurt or Heal: Hurt or Heal your opponents, in order to survive!
Cracked Staircase Run: Go all the way up to the top of the staircase- but don't step on cracked floors.
Different is Lamer: Choose between 1, 2, 3, 4, 5- but don't try to choose the different one...
Mini Monopoly: Play a Monopoly- to get the most dollars!
10 to Lose: Try not to get 10 points- or you'll lose!
TPIQ: Get the most questions right!
-Bonus Voltorb Flip: Flip cards and get 1/2/3 coins- but don't get that damn Voltorb!
-Bonus Coin Panels: Ground Pound on the panels to get 1/2/3 coins- but don't step with your opponent!
Vs8 Battle
Bowser's Kinda Big Blast- Choose one plunger- and hope you aren't blasted!
Bomb Pass: Pass 2 soft bombs, 2 medium bombs, 2 hard bombs, and 1 heavy bomb to your opponents!
Locked Out Battle: Choose between the 3 rooms- the ones who chose the same rooms will have to battle by their bodies!
2vs6 Normal/Battle
Right or Wrong?
Hunt the Clues
Hide and Go BOOM!
-Bonus Money Belts
-Bonus Coin Shower Flower
Tracking the Jewels
Rock, Paper, Mario
Day/Night: Day and Night has its different happenings, there are exclusive systems of day and night, and there is something happened to the board between day and night. Day and Night will switch every 3 turns, when Clock Space is landed, or when Day Night Clock is used.
Assist Trophy: It will activate when Day/Night changes- something will be happened to twist up the gameplay- it might be good, or bad
Exclusive to Day
Item Spaces: You answer a question to get an item/orb.
Mini Events: Events are less risky.
Areas: Mushroom Marts and Lotto Shops are only active at Day.
Exclusive to Night
Item Spaces: You play an item minigame to get an item/orb.
Mini Events: Events are more risky.
Areas; Night Shops and Boo Houses are only active at Night.
Blue Spaces: You get 3 coins, and 1 ministar
Red Spaces: You lose 3 coins, and 1 ministar
Happening Spaces: Some kind of event starts
Battle Spaces: Participate in a Battle Minigame
Duel Spaces: Duel with another player
Spin Spaces: Spin a Spinner, and something happens
Bowser Spaces: Bowser will hinder your team
Mini Event Spaces: Participate in a Mini Event
Clock Spaces: Day/Night changes
Positive Spaces: Go to a Positive Route- get some bonus here
Negative Spaces: Go to a Negative Route- expect to lose a lot here
Star Splurge Spaces: If you pass this space, you can trade your coins for ministars- (2c=1m), and the location will switch
Koopa Kid Spaces: If you pass this space, Koopa Kid will steal your coins- it's located on a former Star Splurge Space
Passing Events
Mushroom Mart: This mart sells more Self-using items and Character Space Orbs than the others. (Day Only)
Night Shop: This mart sells more Hindering items and Roadblock Space orbs than the others. (Night Only)
Lotto House: Get a Lotto Ticket when you FIRST pass here. And play one of these games- (Day Only)
Lotto Scratchoff: Choose one of the 16 tickets, for a prize
Lotto Wheel: Spin a wheel, and get a prize
Advanced Lotto: Only available when you are 3rd/6th/9th/so on to enter this store- it is same as the 2 above, but the odds of winning is much higher
Boo House: Steal some coins/ministars from your opponent (Night Only)
Big Boo: Only available when you are 3rd/6th/9th/so on to enter this house- you can steal coins from every opponents
5 Coins-
Mushroom: Roll 2 Times. (Self)
Sluggish Shroom: Choose your dice roll. (Self)
Back Shroom: Go reverse. (Hinder)
Slow Shroom: Roll up to 5. (Hinder)
Mobile Phone: Call an Item Shop. (Self)
Warp Pipe: Switch Places with an opponent. (Self)
10 coins
Super Shroom: Roll 3 Times. (Self)
Minigame Gong: Start a minigame, either vs8, 2vs6, Battle vs8, Battle 2vs6, or Duel. (Self)
Gaddlight: Protect Boo Attacks. (Self)
Metal Cap: You won't get harmed by roadblocks and mini-ztars (Self)
Chomp Call: The Ministar Splurge Space and the Koopa Kid Space is changed (Hinder)
Snag Bag: Steal someone else's item. (Hinder)
Green Shell: Take 20 coins from whoever you passed (Hinder)
Sleepy Sheep: Make someone rest one turn (Hinder)
15 coins
Lotto/Boo Phone: Participate in a Lotto at Day- Hinder opponents by Boo at Night (Self at Day, Hinder at Night)
Mach Bike: Roll 2 dice for 3 turns (Self)
Lucky Coin: Get 5 coins for per step (Self)
Day Night Clock: Day/Night changes (Self)
Fire Flower: Anyone you pass loses 10 coins and it's given to you- activated for 3 turns (Hinder)
Ice Flower: Anyone you pass gets frozen and has to rest for 1 turn- activated for 3 turns (Hinder)
20 coins
Magic Lamp: Go all the way to Ministar Splurge Space (Self)
Retry Clock: Make 2 Turns (Self)
Red Shell: Take anyone you pass 20 mini-stars (Hinder)
Wobbuffet: Reflect any damage double the effect (Hinder)
25 coins
Better Lotto/Boo Phone: Participate in a Advanced Lotto at day, steal other's coins by Big Boo at night (Day: Help, Night: Hinder)
Wing Cap: Warp to ANY space- you can't roll (Help)
Fake Juice: The victim loses 1/2 of their mini-stars (Hinder)
Hammer Suit: Take 10 mini-stars from whoever you pass- activated for 3 turns (Hinder)
30 coins
Item Bag: Get 5 random items (Both)
Character Spaces
10 Coins
Hammer Bro Orb: The victim's team loses 10 coins, which is given to the owner
Thundervolt Orb: Pikachu will use thundervolt, so all of the victim's team's items/orbs are gone
Trap Orb: The player is sent back to start
15 Coins
Vaacum Orb: All the teams lose 4/8/12/16/20 coins, the owner's team gets it all
Team Attack Orb: One team lose 12/24/36/48/60 coins, all the other team gets it split
Plunder Chest Orb: The victim's team lose 1 item/orb of the owner's choice, which will be given to the owner
Bomb Orb: The victim's team lose half of their coins, which will be given to the owner
20 Coins
Pink Boo Orb: Pink Boo will come out, and steal the victim's team's 20 ministars, given to the owner
Kumatora Orb: Kumatora will smack the victim by her glove, making the victim's team lose ALL of their coins, which will be given to the owner
Fawful Orb: Fawful will attack the victim, making the victim's team lose HALF of ther mini-stars, which will be given to the owner.
Roadblock Orbs
10 Coins
Spiny Orb: The victim's team loses 10 coins
Thwomp Orb: The victim has to stop on that space
Teleport Orb: The victim and the owner will swap places
Team Rocket Orb: The player will blast off with Team Rocket, to the random space
15 Coins
Amp Orb: The victim loses 5 coins per step, the owner's team gets it
Whomp Orb: The victim has to stop on that space, and lose 10 coins
Dynamite Orb: The victim loses half of his coins
Toady Orb: The victim loses 1 item or orb of the owner's choice, but it isn't given to the owner
20 Coins
Anti Coin Orb: The victim's team loses all of ther coins
Crush Pit Orb: The victim's team loses half of their mini-stars, it isn't given to the owner, greedy punks
Bowser Event
Bowser Minigame: Everybody plays a Bowser Minigame- the team with a loser gets a penalty
Bowser Swap: The player's one stat is swapped with another player
Bowser Destroy: Bowser destroys all your items and orbs
Bowser Mini Event: Bowser starts a Mini Event- which always gives you a bad effect
Bowser Roam: Bowser will roam around the board with 3 dice, starting from the Koopa Kid Space
Interuption: Kumatora, Wobbuffet, and Fawful interrupts the event- and nothing happens
Last Five Turns
First, there's a Lotto Drawing- you have to match the numbers (1-8) in order
Match Nothing: Get Nothing...
Match 1: 20 coins
Match 2: 20 Ministars
Match 3: 30 coins and 20 ministars
Match 4: 50 coins and 30 ministars
Second, the last place team recieves one of these-
Coin Bonus: 30 Coins
Ministar Bonus: 20 Ministars
Item+Orb Bonus: Rare 3 items, Rare 3 orbs
Character Bonus: Get 3 Character Spaces and 2 Roadblock Spaces
Then one of these things happen-
Bowser Revolution: Everybody's ministar counts equals
50% Sale: Everything that can be bought is cutten in half
Double Damage: Every attack does Double Damage- Wobbuffet does x4 Counter
Everything is Lucky: Every Minigames are now Lucky Minigames
Multi-Splurge: There are now 3 Ministar Splurge Spaces- there are now 3 Koopa Kid Spaces
Space Multiplier: Every Blue/Red Space bonuses are tripled
Bonus Ministars
All of them equals 20 mini-stars
Coin Star: Get the most coins at any point
Minigame Star: Win the most mini-games
Item Star: Use the most items
Shopaholic Star: Buy the most at Item Shops
Unlucky Star: Lose the most coins/ministars the most
Happening Star: Land on the most ? Spaces
Minigame Types
VS 8: 8 Players duke it off each other! It happens when a Lead Player from every team lands on a same space.
VS 8 Battle: 8 Players duke it off, to win the jackpot!
The entrance fee is 10 coins, 1/2 of your coins, all of your coins, 1/4 of your ministars, 1/2 of your ministars, or 1/2 of your coins + 1/4 of your ministars.
1st Place gets 40%, 2nd Place gets 25%, 3rd Place gets 10%, 4th Place gets 5%, the rest will get nothing.
2 vs 6: 2 Players try to defeat the 6 Players, and vice versa! It happens when 1 Lead Player lands on Red/Blue, while the others land on Blue/Red.
4 vs 4: 4 Players try to defeat the other 4 Players, and vice versa! It happens when 2 Leads lands on Blue/Red, while the others land on Red/Blue.
1 vs 1: It's a duel! It starts when someone lands on a duel space.
The prizes are- 20 coins, 1/2 of victim's team's coins, all if your coins, 1/4 of your ministars, 1/2 of your ministars, or 1/2 of your coins and 1/4 of your ministars, which is decided by a slot of physicness.
Lucky: It happens on every 3 turns! The prize is doubled or tripled.
Vs8 Normal
Caption It!: Caption the picture, then vote for the best caption!
Hot Bob-omb: Pass the Bob-omb either your front, left, or right! But don't just get blasted off...
Hurt or Heal: Hurt or Heal your opponents, in order to survive!
Cracked Staircase Run: Go all the way up to the top of the staircase- but don't step on cracked floors.
Different is Lamer: Choose between 1, 2, 3, 4, 5- but don't try to choose the different one...
Mini Monopoly: Play a Monopoly- to get the most dollars!
10 to Lose: Try not to get 10 points- or you'll lose!
TPIQ: Get the most questions right!
-Bonus Voltorb Flip: Flip cards and get 1/2/3 coins- but don't get that damn Voltorb!
-Bonus Coin Panels: Ground Pound on the panels to get 1/2/3 coins- but don't step with your opponent!
Vs8 Battle
Bowser's Kinda Big Blast- Choose one plunger- and hope you aren't blasted!
Bomb Pass: Pass 2 soft bombs, 2 medium bombs, 2 hard bombs, and 1 heavy bomb to your opponents!
Locked Out Battle: Choose between the 3 rooms- the ones who chose the same rooms will have to battle by their bodies!
2vs6 Normal/Battle
Right or Wrong?
Hunt the Clues
Hide and Go BOOM!
-Bonus Money Belts
-Bonus Coin Shower Flower
Tracking the Jewels
Rock, Paper, Mario