Tattoo Ideas

I've decided I really want a tattoo (it's something I've thought I've wanted for a while but never seriously considered) so I've been looking at a bunch of ideas for designs.

I think I've narrowed it down to a lily (or a few) or maybe a cherry blossom on my right side, mostly black & white with some touches of color (not sure how else to explain that, but I don't want a full blown color tattoo I don't think).

Found some designs on Flickr & dA so I figured I'd post them & maybe get some feedback. I probably wouldn't get an exact copy of any of these, I'd want the artist to do their own interpretation but these are a start.

(w/o the weird lock thing)




I think I might attempt to photoshop some of these pictures to isolate the design & then photoshop them onto me in the place I'd want them just to get a feel for how it'd actually look.

No, my right side, on my ribs. Similar placement to the 4th, 5th & 6th pics. Right now I think I like the 2nd design most, but I'd probably want it fleshed out a little more.

I think I may do it this summer, if I can save up the money (no clue how much it'll cost but I know it won't be cheap) & not chicken out (heard the ribs hurt like hell).
Snowy620 said:
I already have one.

Oh yeah. I forgot TT made you get that one that said "TT's bitch"

My boyfriend is still really into the cherry blossom idea but the design he found goes all up the side, and onto the stomach and below the boob. Which is too much coverage imo =P

I'm really into the lily idea though. But I know how I am so I'll sit on the idea for a while, take forever to pick a design, then on a whim pick one & go get it.
Pretty set on this one:


I'm thinking about getting it up in Wisconsin if I can afford it & not pussy out. I know my boyfriend has a few tattoo ideas he's been thinking about, so maybe we could both get them up there.

I've also been thinking I want some kind of nautical tattoo too. Like maybe an anchor, or even a ship. I just really like what they look like, wouldn't really have much of a meaning behind it. I've also thought about an astronaut tattoo. There are a lot of SoCo songs I love that have to do with space/astronauts & instead of just getting some lyrics or something, I think an astronaut would be cool & more original. I know what I'd want it to look like in my head, I just can't find any good reference pics though.