Swearing is "outlawed", so to speak

Amatatomba said:
I just remember BerryCherry telling me, Snowy, and others off in the shoutbox for swearing =P

I remember that he did that to me too, but he added a bonus of telling SZ. :p
I don't remember if he ever told on us.

I just remember me & Snowy (and I think Matt as well) going on and on about me & my crack habit & baby on the shoutbox. And we actually convinced several members here I was a crack addict with a baby because someone (maybe Berry) started saying how I was a bad example =P

God this place was so much more fun back when we were fucking with it lol
Amatatomba said:
I don't remember if he ever told on us.

I just remember me & Snowy (and I think Matt as well) going on and on about me & my crack habit & baby on the shoutbox. And we actually convinced several members here I was a crack addict with a baby because someone (maybe Berry) started saying how I was a bad example =P

God this place was so much more fun back when we were F***ing with it lol

I think it was either Charizard or WAHA that actually believed you and tried to show you the errors of your ways. I just remember a whole whinefest with either one of these guys just letting you have it. :p
Amatatomba said:
I don't remember if he ever told on us.

I just remember me & Snowy (and I think Matt as well) going on and on about me & my crack habit & baby on the shoutbox. And we actually convinced several members here I was a crack addict with a baby because someone (maybe Berry) started saying how I was a bad example =P

God this place was so much more fun back when we were F***ing with it lol
I remember when we originally started it people were confused as hell lol.