J Justin5267 Well-known member Blue Star (2,000 Posts) Legacy User (Gold) Jun 13, 2011 #1 My first game! I used the tutorial for most of this game so it's kind of bad, but gotta start somewhere. 1. Tutorial Game http://www.mediafire.com/?b1galzkz3auagtq
My first game! I used the tutorial for most of this game so it's kind of bad, but gotta start somewhere. 1. Tutorial Game http://www.mediafire.com/?b1galzkz3auagtq
H-J Kaabii Well-known member Cyan Star (5,000 Posts) Legacy User (Gold) Jun 14, 2011 #2 GM8? The fruits game? Look up a tute on a shooter. Platformers are a little harder, do that next. Also I'd suggest that you should move from drag+drop to GML eventually (I used to love D+D, but working on MLYW MAN I've found coding so much more logical)
GM8? The fruits game? Look up a tute on a shooter. Platformers are a little harder, do that next. Also I'd suggest that you should move from drag+drop to GML eventually (I used to love D+D, but working on MLYW MAN I've found coding so much more logical)
J Justin5267 Well-known member Blue Star (2,000 Posts) Legacy User (Gold) Jun 14, 2011 #3 Yeah I just uploaded it for the heck of it.