Obligatory Ask Me Topic

What files are in the torrent package, and you can deselect which ones you don't want/the ones that are "not legit".

Like if you got a torrent for an album, it obviously should be just the right amount of .mp3 files that the album has (say 13 songs, so 13 .mp3 files) and there might be two .Jpeg files for the cover and back cover (but all these files will also be named). But if you see some random shit in there that's not .mp3 or .jpeg, then it's easy to tell. Plus if the song is like 80kb for a file size, you know something's fucked there as well.

As apposed to that mediafire bullshit (which luckily I never got into :p) you're just downloading a .rar of what you think is an album or whatever, with a torrent you see ALL FILES that are included (ever the "hidden" ones) because you have to download each thing individually in the package.

Limewire was middle school, and we give a little leeway until you're about 16/17 to start using torrents. If you're not using them by then, YOUZ A HOE~
Daisy_Heartilly said:
Are you and yo lover having a good time together?

I'm guessing this was in reference to Myrtle? lol

We had a pretty good time. First, we got lost once we got up there & spent forever trying to find the hotel we planned on staying at. I don't know what it is about MB but everytime I've gone up there, its a pain in the ass to find stuff. We finally found it & it turns out both of us had to be 21+ to check in there. But the guy was nice enough to give us a list of hotels where you only had to be 18 so we picked one & checked in there. We were so hungry at that point we just ate at the hotel, then went back to the room & commenced with the drinking. I'm a lightweight & after 6 (5 Guinness & 1 Midas Touch, which had 2x as much alcohol as your normal beer) I was feeling it. The rest is kind of a blur =P I remember making out, then trying some new stuff lol, then stopping and saying I was gonna be sick, & puking. Then we resumed what we had been doing & like 20 minutes later I threw up again. Resumed once again, finished, and fell asleep. Then we slept in, took a shower, checked out & walked around the main drag checking out all the tacky stores. In one we actually found several little pocket knives with swastikas on them lol. Only in SC =P. Oh we also went to a pretty cool mall. Then we drove back to Charleston, saw Hanna & spent the night at his place watching Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Yesterday we mostly ran his errands, but we also watched more ATHF & played Little Big Planet.