1. I don't trust that this isn't your math homework
2. If you're in the 10th (11th?) grade and this is your homework, I'm sad for education in this country.
3. 10
@Hunt: Good question!
Dee: I don't want to be Dee but I feel like I'd be Dee mostly because she's the girl, but also because you guys are dicks to me and Cook calls me a whore
Dennis: I guess this is where you go Hunt =P Doing that ladies man thing & all
Charlie: Cook would be Charlie because Charlie is illiterate and Cook thinks phykick is a word =P
Mac: Hmm... I kinda wanna say TT for this but he really isn't that much like Mac. Mac does like to go on about mens' physiques & so does TT though =P
Alright, so now I can catch the show with a newfound appreciation on it as well They haven't been showing it/I haven't been catching it as much other than that one time. I'll have to keep a better eye out.
Just download all the episodes. You won't regret it.
I honestly think I'd much rather be a housewife and stay at home and take care of kids and all that. I don't mind having to work, I just feel like I'd be happier doing that. If I needed to work for financial reasons, I definitely would, but I definitely don't feel like one of those people who need a career to feel fulfilled. I'd be an awesome housewife though. Sammiches for my man all the time