Nintendo of Australia Rewarding Millionaires

Aussie Gamer said:
Nintendo Australia are rewarding players who have collected one million coins in the Nintendo 3DS blockbuster New Super Mario Bros. 2.

The worldwide total of coins collected is at a staggering 500 Billion, according to last count. To celebrate the milestone, Nintendo are sending out a limited edition New Super Mario Bros. 2 certificate to players who have raked in one million coins or more in the game.

If you’ve hit one million coins, you will need to head over to the the official website and submit a photo of yourself and your Nintendo 3DS, showing your one million coin tally on the screen. The tally is displayed at the title screen of New Super Mario Bros. 2.

You will have to hurry though – the offer ends on March 31st, which means you still have some time to get to that one million magic number!

Players looking to collect even more coins should hop online and download the Gold Classics Pack for Coin Rush Mode, which features courses based on classic Mario games including the original Super Mario Bros. and Super Mario Bros. 3.

The course pack is still free to download until 31st January, when it will be made available for purchase from February 1st.

In addition to these, the final two Coin Rush course packs for New Super Mario Bros. 2 are also available to download.

The Mystery Adventure Pack offers labyrinthine courses full of different paths, while the Impossible Pack offers some of the toughest challenges that Mario fans will have ever faced.

Both Course Packs are available to purchase in addition to the eight packs previously released for purchase from the in-game Shop menu in New Super Mario Bros. 2.

If you are an Australian and have New Super Mario Bros. 2, get a million coins and show it to Nintendo of Australia here! Offer ends on Sunday, March 31, 2013!

This is nice that they're rewarding the players. I wish we had this sort of thing here in North America, too. Also, over 550 billion coins worldwide have been collected!
...we should get something better than a new title screen for earning all those coins!
I hope something like what you said comes here as well, even though it isn't really worth it much...

Maybe a new course pack would be cool to give out as well, though... (They were talking about course packs below :p)
Too bad they are not making any more course packs, though... :(