So like I've said, I've thought about doing a new site/forum focused on entertainment or something more general than just Nintendo or video games. But I wanted to see if people were interested in that first and what they'd want it to be like. So far my ideas are...
*Make a forum first, then a site/blog where members can post stuff (probably use Tumblr for that so people don't have to post just long thought out articles, but can post funny images or links or whatever
*The forum wouldn't be uptight like what Joey did to SMF, but it wouldn't be out of control like MPF got. There'd be rules but they'd be lenient. Porn images wouldn't be allowed =P
*It'd be legit, with a paid host & real domain. If we used Tumblr for the actual site, I'd be willing to get that a real domain as well (so not & buy a nicer theme (sometimes the free ones don't cut it).
*It would be affiliated with other sites or promoted on Twitter & what not enough so that we get a good group of members outside of the MPF/NC/SMF crowd.
*It could be kept affiliated to MPL/NC (if people wanted) through contests and such though
*It would have a good name. Manly Party Forum was funny at first but it was a dumb name that stopped us from getting members (nobody wanted to tell their friends to join Manly Party Forum & the people who did, their friends didn't want to join)
So yeah....ideas? opinions? I posted this same thing on NC so I could get opinions over there too. And before anyone is all "why do we need a new site? this site is fine!" I'm not trying to make one to replace MPL like MPF did to SMF. I'm just trying to fill a gap that this forum leaves (not a lot of good discussion outside of Nintendo/Mario Party).
*Make a forum first, then a site/blog where members can post stuff (probably use Tumblr for that so people don't have to post just long thought out articles, but can post funny images or links or whatever
*The forum wouldn't be uptight like what Joey did to SMF, but it wouldn't be out of control like MPF got. There'd be rules but they'd be lenient. Porn images wouldn't be allowed =P
*It'd be legit, with a paid host & real domain. If we used Tumblr for the actual site, I'd be willing to get that a real domain as well (so not & buy a nicer theme (sometimes the free ones don't cut it).
*It would be affiliated with other sites or promoted on Twitter & what not enough so that we get a good group of members outside of the MPF/NC/SMF crowd.
*It could be kept affiliated to MPL/NC (if people wanted) through contests and such though
*It would have a good name. Manly Party Forum was funny at first but it was a dumb name that stopped us from getting members (nobody wanted to tell their friends to join Manly Party Forum & the people who did, their friends didn't want to join)
So yeah....ideas? opinions? I posted this same thing on NC so I could get opinions over there too. And before anyone is all "why do we need a new site? this site is fine!" I'm not trying to make one to replace MPL like MPF did to SMF. I'm just trying to fill a gap that this forum leaves (not a lot of good discussion outside of Nintendo/Mario Party).