My Opinions of You

Luigi Party! (a.k.a. Wobbuffet) said:
I think you are very simmilar to another user in this forum called Wackii, XD.
Anyway, I really like your usernames- since every one of them ends up with 'head' XD
Any Sneak Peaks of your next username?

Oh, pardon me!  Peahead and I do act quite alike.  lmao.  XD  Nothing new, baha.

Anyways, give me your opinion about me.  |D

chaosshadow123 said:
Well who on the site isn't funny?

Charizard, with his humor-wise ideas anyways.
Luigi Party! (a.k.a. Wobbuffet) said:
SpiderStaryu said:
Let's go~ ;)
Doing it tomorrow since I have no time for today- sorry for that.  :'(
Since there's now time for me to reply, let's go.
You are currently a good G-Mod- you are handling things in this forum fine.  :)
BTW, Thanks for not putting me in MPL TGC <--- Nevermind.

Wackii said:
Luigi Party! (a.k.a. Wobbuffet) said:
I think you are very simmilar to another user in this forum called Wackii, XD.
Anyway, I really like your usernames- since every one of them ends up with 'head' XD
Any Sneak Peaks of your next username?

Oh, pardon me!  Peahead and I do act quite alike.  lmao.  XD  Nothing new, baha.

Anyways, give me your opinion about me.  |D

chaosshadow123 said:
Well who on the site isn't funny?

Charizard, with his humor-wise ideas anyways.
I thought Charizard was funny, since watching troubles are funny. XD
Anyway, about you- you are not as funny as Chaos/Plum/Toadette (you are still funny, XD) but you are currently making a good progress in this forum. And I LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE your GIMP Art!

NOTICE: Well, this thread is getting popular...
Eh, I'm trying to get the "Reflector" part from my username out since people just refer to me as Aegis nowadays and I feel it's a tad more classy.
REVIVAL: If you post in this thread, I will give you your NEWLY UPGRADED opinions.
ChickenLegs said: turn.  Go.
You're one of the funniest members in this forum- and you are pretty much active here. Keep it up!
Toblet said:
*Hides behind ChickenLegs*.
Your username still reminds me of Tablet PC.
Even though you have less humor than some other users, you are pretty much logical on your posts
Garrulous Coroner said:
lay it on me bro

Edit: Oh hey i had a brain fart and forgot i already posted for an opinion AAAdsjf

Gogogogreg said:
I didn't get to know you much, so I can't give you a proper opinion, but you're still a good newbie in this forum. :)
Wobbuffet.exe said:
saxprodigee said:
You were just a forumer in this forum before, but now you turned into an active forum member.
By the way, when is Mario Party Destiny going to be back? XD

Don't think it will be back. I found this really great idea that people really like so I am going to divert my attention to that area for a while. Mario Party Destiny WILL be back though for its second installment.