My Opinions of You

Vipsoccermaster said:
So, what do you think of me?
I think...
You are one of the best members in this forum- you usually participate in active discussions. I wish that you were still an admin. XD
But I am pretty much jealous of you, just because of that Luigi rank. LOL, why do I keep being jealous of minor things?
Lord Vaati said:
What about me?
I don't really know you much, I got to know you pretty late. About on Early April?
Anyway, I think you are pretty much a good member- you have good humors on Forum Games thread.
Toadette said:
My opinion of you: You're a Waffle.  ;D

LOL, I keed. Anyway, you are funny too- (why are there too much funny members?) and is pretty much, so I really like you.
But Like doesn't mean Love XD
Spectre said:
I have never really seen you- just because you are usually offline when I am online.
Anyway, you're pretty cool, and I really like your minecraft creations... even though I don't play minecraft! XD

31GHT B1T S3RVANT said:
-rolls in-
I guess you really helped me when I was starting in this forum (Febuarary), and I really appreciated that. :)
Anyway, you are pretty much a good admin- you shouldn't be downgraded to a GMod XD

NOTICE: My most overused smile changed from ;D to XD.
