My New Year's Resolution 2014 - Backlog

Basically I'm going to log my attempt at my new year's resolution of not buying games until I complete my backlog. I've decided to go about it like this: No spontaneous purchases because they're cheap, Bravely Default is an exception since I had already pre-ordered it. Gifts are obviously an exception as well. I will not try to beat every game I own. I would go insane, instead I'm going to focus on games that I feel will be the most fun/rewarding/worth playing. I also bought a lot of humble bundles, and I think I'm going to stray away from those from now on, unless something insane pops up like the Warner Bros or EA bundle. For now I'm going to limit myself to 10 per platform, so I don't overwhelm myself (as if I haven't already :p ). I put together Xbox brand games since I don't have at least 10 games for either platform to beat. Same situation for Nintendo platforms. I have no idea how well this is going to go. I hope it's successful. Really I'm doing this because I can a bit of an impulse buyer at times, which isn't the healthiest thing for me. So with this I hope to save money, start to become less of an impulse buyer, put a dent in my seemingly never ending backlog, and yeah. The way I see it is if I do end up going through with this to the end, the games I wanted at release date will be even cheaper (hopefully) since I waited a little while. Wish me luck I guess.

1.  Bioshock
2.  Bioshock 2
3.  Bioshock Infinite
4.  Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons
5.  Half-Life
6.  Half-Life 2
7.  Hotline Miami
8.  Medal of Honor
9.  Mirror's Edge
10. Thomas Was Alone
1.  Shin Megami Tensei IV
2.  Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion
3.  Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D
4.  Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon
5.  Sonic Lost World
6.  Project X Zone
7.  The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
8.  Crimson Shroud
9.  Metroid Fusion
10. Pushmo
1.  Call of Duty: Ghosts (360)
2.  Final Fantasy (Windows Phone)
2.  Modern Combat 4 (Windows Phone)
3.  N.O.V.A 3 (Windows Phone)
4.  Tomb Raider (360)
5.  Mortal Kombat (360)
6.  Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (360)
7.  Assassin's Creed Revelations (360)
8.  Halo 4 (360)
9.  The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (360)
10. Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon (360)
1.  Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (GC)
2.  Super Mario 3D World (WiiU)
3.  Rayman Legends (WiiU)
4.  Super Luigi U (WiiU)
5.  Sonic Lost World (WiiU)
6.  The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (WiiU)
7.  Assassin's Creed 3 (WiiU)
8.  Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag (WiiU)
9.  Xenoblade Chronicles (Wii)
10. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (N64)
Update: I think I've found myself a good pacing with the Assassin's Creed games. I've been doing only one sequence a day which so far has been being good for keeping me from getting bored of it. So yeah, just beat Sonic Lost World, currently playing Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, New Super Luigi U, and Halo 4 multiplayer. Pretty much I just rotate between these games, so far that's been working well for me.
I've kind of realized that this resolution sucks, and I've already broken it many times(thanks steam/amazon). I think I'm going to change it to not buying any games at full retail price. Which seems much more reasonable and attainable for myself. Plus I'm still spending less money without making my hobby become a chore.