A Super Mario roster... is what you will have to actually create... but wait! There are some restrictions in this one, so it might be quite challenging for a challenge because I will obviously take an important part...
Basically, you will actually create a roster you think would be awesome and the most perfect possible to me... so yes, this time around, it's not the members who will vote, but my own self. You need to create a roster you think might be my dream roster in a Mario game and then I will do a selection. So you will actually have to know my tastes about characters to be sure everything will be right for me, so the perfect roster for someone like me. (Basically, if you know me well and cared about my posts, it should not be so difficult and if you know I am not using or talking about a few characters, I would say it's not a good idea to put them in even if you think they are "essential" It is more like a special roster exactly like how I would like it. It's really about a dream roster.) You can also search for topics you think I might have posted in. I will then choose the best one and award 20G, then the second one who was really near and award 10G, and I will award everyone 5G to at least trying to participate. Good luck, I can't wait to see what you are all coming up with!
-> You can type in the character list in text. However, you can also get a picture montage of it (might be more interesting unless you are having a really awesome roster.)
-> I am looking really well into the roster details, so if you are doing an impressive roster, more chance to win.
-> Be sure to be curious.
-> Should be between 12 and 16 characters. (recommended, but could be more/less)
-> Do it about Mario Kart or Mario Party, your choice.
So here's how it will be...
I judge the rosters one by one... I will give a apreciation of these, and I will give points depending of the rosters
-> My favorite will get 20G
-> Second will get 10G
-> All the rest will get 5G
Extra Objective : Ask a question in my Blog for a bonus G5. (Of course, I had to do it!)
Another alternative -> You post questions in 3 blogs to 3 different members.