May 7 - Your Favorite Super Mario Character


I'm pretty sure the majority of you does have a character they like more than any others. In here, you will talk about one of your favorite characters (if you have multiple favorites, you can choose one you want to talk about.) So you will actually say
-Who is this character?
-What do you like about him/her?
-What are some good things that you enjoyed with this character being around?
- Do you want to add anything else?

Let's see with one of my examples:
My favorite character is Bowser Jr.. I like him because I like his appearence and his way to be. I think it's awesome to see him with as much dedication and leadership when he's still a kid and he is really helpful to Bowser (his dad) and it's a way for him to be awesome to me. I think it's also fun that he ws able to be playable in multiple games because this way I am able to have more fun and I can actually be him in some of my favorite games, sucn as Mario Kart Wii and Mario Strikers Charged.

So you got a free G5 if you are doing so, however, I know it could be somewhat better than me for some.

Extra Objective : Post a new topic or 3 new posts in any of the Mario Party boards for an extra G5!
I'm sure many of you know this, but my favorite Mario character of all time is Toadette. Let's start with appearance. Toadette has an cute appearance that would make even Time Man blush. Now for development. At first she started as a simple racing partner for Toad, but then she eventually gained some development of her own to distinguish herself from Toad. Sure, she may not be developed, as say, Hatsune Miku, but she's still interesting nonetheless. I enjoyed having her in every game she appeared in. Toadette's Music Room from MPDS? Solid. Jump Jump Jump? Awesome. Upgrades in PM:TTYD? Very helpful. In fact, Skye and Saffron are derivatives of her. All I could say is this: Put her in a new game, Nintendo!

New topic.
Where do I even begin...

Well, it's quite obvious my favorite character is Toadette.
I've liked Toadette since she debuted in Mario Kart: Double Dash. I was born during the N64 era, but I didn't start actively playing video games until the GameCube era, so most of my Childhood library consists of GCN games, especially Mario games like Sunshine, Luigi's Mansion, and Double Dash. Seeing Toadette was a great moment for me. By playing other Mario games and the occasional MK64 at my Grandma's House with my Aunt, I fell in love with Toad. And like, literally in love. While my other friends would be going crazy over Ryan Seacrest by watching American Idol, I would be watching recorded episodes of the Super Mario Bros. Super Show! and sighing over Toad. I just thought he was so cute and silly, but it was really weird for me to fall in love with a fictional fungus creature. I didn't really care. As a young girl I grew tired of always seeing Princesses, Peach and Daisy were the only girl characters I'd see around. I was never a fan of the Girly Princess/Pony/Barbie scene, I preferred creepy monster dolls and racecar toys. So I always wished for a Girl Mario Character that wasn't a Princess. And so my dreams came true. Going back to Toadette, I was amazed upon seeing her. She was my ultimate dream character. Female, Non-Princess, and she was a Toad! Back then, I didn't even know Toads could be Girls since I hadn't played SMRPG or Paper Mario. So seeing her made me get so into Video Games, because I always wanted to play as Toadette, always wanted to be Toadette. Whenever my friends would play, the same 3 words would always come out of my mouth. "Dibs on Toadette". Nobody else wanted to be Toadette anyways, so I'd always snatch her up in no time. However, once I started going back to school, I stopped playing video games, and I eventually forgot about Toadette. She wasn't appearing much anyway, now that I had moved on to more portable systems such as the GBA and the DS. Soon enough, during 7th grade, my friend lent me his copy of Mario Kart DS and I played it a lot. Seeing Toad sparked my childhood memories back, and soon enough I remembered Toadette. I remembered how much I loved Toadette, and figured "It's time she came back." I got several games with her in it (MP8, MKW, etc...) for my following Birthday as well as Christmas, and my love for her flourished once more. In school, I quickly became popular for my love of Toadette and Toads in general, people would recognize me by my drawings of her. Once I discovered Toadette Merchandise, I immediately placed them on my Wish List and received them in the following holidays. I swore to collect all Toadette things that existed, and as soon as I ran out (which was around last year), I started making my own.

In short, Toadette shaped me into the fanatic we all know today, and she may have even inspired my love for art, because before I would just draw out of boredom. There will eventually be a day where I will have to say goodbye to Toadette, or at least push her aside for more important things such as College and Career Life. At this point I don't have very high hopes of seeing her return to the gaming scene, but I'm desperate enough that even seeing Toadette's name mentioned will make me happiest fan in the world. But even if Toadette disappears, I will always remember her as the little video game gal I wished for in '01 and saw in '03, the girl who made me who I am today in the world of gaming. I love Toadette, and I'll never forget that.

New Topic:
Favorite Mario character...


She has one of the most unique personalities in the Mario series. Her spunk and overall vibe about her just generates good feelings. Her role as Princess of Sarasaland makes her like the second most import female character in Mario games, with only Peach above her and everybody else *grumbleTOADETTEgrumble* below her. Orange just happens to be my favorite color as well so Daisy just seems like a perfect fit. Her tomboy attitude really shows through many spinoff games, most notably Super Mario Strikers Charged. Like I said earlier Daisy's appearance just brings a calming sensation over me and who can honestly resist her younger version, Baby Daisy. Sure Baby Daisy isnt developed but its another character so they dont have to reuse unimportant characters like Blooper and Hammer Bro *biggergrumbleTOADETTEgrumble*.

Well thats it from me. I know a lot of people find her annoying because of "Hi! I'm Daisy!" But if you are really so annoyed with it why do you keep picking her as a COM when she has these lines. Honorable mention also goes to the other Princesses Peach and Rosalina. Now I can just sit back and wait and hope Dark Boo comes to back me up with Daisy easily being the best personality and not *grumbleTOADETTEgrumble* or any other female character for that matter.

EDIT: 3 posts made

He is well known as the over-rated dinosaur who's aided Mario since the SNES. The first game I even played with him was in fact Super Mario World. It was simply because he was a cute green dinosaur who popped out of an egg that you could ride throughout the whole game. Mostly, I found him to be the perfect power-up there, as he could defeat almost any enemy with his tongue and had the ability to stomp on spiky foes like the spiny. Of course, after seeing my older brother go through the Butter Bridge area with Yoshi (and jumping off him to save his life how many do), I mostly became afraid of what's going to happen whenever I let others play this game. I couldn't believe they would throw such an innocent thing off the edge like that. After that, I tried to make sure no one who played that game ever jumped off Yoshi to save their own life again (even if it cost them a life).

Of course, I wasn't so interested in videogames at the time until we got the N64 a few years later, so I never cared for Yoshi so much until then. It was about the 2nd game we got for it - Mario Party 2, around the time it was released. I played it with both my brothers and my friend. When we got to the character select screen, I could see that my brothers had already taken Mario and Luigi, who I was considering taking because I simply wanted to play as a human. Looking at the others, I didn't like who was really available to be (A princess and a fat man were the others remaining), but when I noticed Yoshi, I rememberd him from when Super Mario World was being played, and immediately took him.

Afterwards, it just kept increasing from there. Every Mario game I played, I wouldn't play as anyone but Yoshi, sometimes even revolving in a mini-conflict with my cousin who also liked Yoshi at the time. I usually lost, unfortunately, but I guess I was still alright with who I played as, though I wasn't really happy until I was playing with my favorite Dinosaur. Overall, his cute and carefree characteristics and tough style (hey, I mean, he did survive all those times he fell of that edge, so I thought he must be a lot tougher than all the others :p) are what brought me to him. He's been my favorite ever since! ;DNew topic created
As I like Yoshi a bit more than Daisy, I'll pick Yoshi.

Obviously, my favorite Super Mario character is Yoshi.

Yoshi became my favorite at an early age. He is the jubilant, loyal friend of Super Mario. He debuted in Super Mario World around 1990, but he was going to appear earlier in the series but technical restrictions prevented him. Yoshi seemed to be inspired from Shigeru Miyamoto's love for horseback riding, since Him and his species can be ridden. Yoshi looks similar to a Koopa because the Yoshies were supposed to be a
type of Koopa, but that changed.

Yoshi also stars in his own series were the games are either the puzzle or platforming genre. The antagonist of his series is usually King/Prince Bowser and/or Kamel the Evil Magikoopa. I think his series revived the Shy Guys from SMB 2, I'm not quite sure. Yoshi only speaks in specific games and the others he makes sounds. One of my favorite quotes from him is "I'm the kindest there ever was!" from Mario Party 3. His popularity increased since the begging.

Yoshi's design changed drastically after Super Mario World. He was made shorter, stouter, and eventually, a human-like posture.

Well, enough about who he is. I like him for having courage similar to Mario. He is a hero of his island after beating Bowser and Kamek several times on his own. Yoshi is also a very friendly one there to lend a helping hand. Yoshi has some great power up of his own. Not to mention his egg tossing ability. Overall, I think Yoshi is just awesome.

Mario Party 3 is just fantastic having him as a playable character and any other game as well. His series is just as great as the Super Mario series.

I know Yoshi will always be my favorite Mario Character, along with Princess Daisy, because of the reasons above. Even if he's an overrated one.


Edit: I created a topic
I would go with Yoshi, too, here, but I like Boo more.


Boo is mainly an enemy that made its debut in Super Mario Bros. 3 in early 1990, in North America, of course. Shigeru Miyamoto came up with this character after his wife shooed him away for the night for being late after work. Boos normally hide in the dark, and do not like the light. They hide when being looked at, but creep up on your back when you are not looking at them. Normally you cannot defeat them, but in some games like Super Mario 64, you could punch them from behind.

Over time, Boos have their king called King Boo, where in such a game like Luigi's Mansion where they kidnapped Mario and turned him into a painting. Throughout the years after this, Boos have been become less shy and more social and now participates in many activities with Mario and his friends, like soccer, baseball, and Mario Party games.

Why I like Boo a lot is that he floats, and ghosts don't have feet. A round white ghost is so much fun to play as whenever they are playable, a young ghost that can do anything, even turning invisible, going through walls, and even hold physical things. Boo may have a long tongue, but it's not like Yoshi's sticky tongue, though.

01100010 01101111 01101111!

Made three posts in Mario Party boards.
Princess Peach!

Princess "Toadstool" Peach, as you can guess, is the princess of the Mushroom Kingdom, a very important woman to her people. Princess Peach represents everything a "damsel-in-distress" is, she's also the one who pretty much it popular in video games. Despite all her misfortune with Bowser's kidnapping, she's still a solid player in the Mario series, and pretty important too, her being safe represents peace in her kingdom. Everyone looks up to her, and though she may be un-able to defend against Bowser, she still sticks up for her friends, tries her best to please, and overall brighten up everyone around her's day! She's also VERY peachy!

What do I like about Peach? Haha, yeah, how exactly did that happen... well, it's a long story, but I'll try to simplify. When I was a kid, most guys liked Mario or Luigi, and Yoshi, but for me... I just always loved Peach. It started around the first time I played MK64, I loved the color yellow back then, and I noticed that when you see Peach racing, all you see is her yellow blonde hair, so it made me interested her and notice her more at first (well when I was like 5 at least LOL). Not only that, but she was fast as hell in that game, she was a little speed demon which also made me like her.

And then MP1 came along, and I saw more of Peach and had a BETTER understanding of her, I still liked her a lot. She seemed like a very joyful, happy, and peachy person, just like me! I always loved bright and happy personalities, and Peach was the core example of that. She also had a gentle appearance, being more soft, but still welcoming. I think it also has to do with just the fact that I played her so much as a kid, I got use to her more than any other character, so I was easily recognized playing as her all the time. To me, she's a very important character, and has inspired a lot of elements and emotions I would love to use for my own characters and such. Peach is definitely one of my favorite character of all time, and I will continue to use her and enjoy her peachy presence as time goes on!

Made a topic:
I guess DK counts as a mario character since he been in alot of spin-offs but would that make Mario a DK character too?!!? Anyways...

Donkey Kong

DK aka Donkey Kong is the leader of the kong family and owns a island exclusive  to himself. Since the beginning of time, Mario and Donkey Kong has always been long time rivals that been pass down to them by their ancestors. DK first debuted in the arcade game that was title with his name "Donkey Kong", in this game he will throw a variety of barrels at the jumpman to prevent him from saving the princess. However, some say this was not the DK we knew and love, it was to say to be Cranky Kong (DK father). Later as the years passed DK feature in his own game with a different style and personality along side with Diddy Kong (Nephew).

Let me get to the point as to why I like DK. The first time I saw DK was in Mario Party 1, My brother and my two cousins had a game going and I happen to stumble across them. As i was spectating, the first one i notice was DK, My brother was always winning with him and I saw DK was celebrating every time he win. The faces he made always crack me up and my brother always made jokes which increase my laughter ten folded. The first time I played with DK is in DK64, my brother let me play it when i got older and every since then I have been addicted to that game. I remember the level I got stuck on (Fungi Forest) and my brother had to show me how to beat it.

Then when I got older, I started to analyze DK more and why I like him. I like him because of the simple fact that his is a laidback monkey that will just head first into danger just to save his family and friends, The one thing I cherish most in this world is Loyalty and so does he. Also he got the strength to back him up and his looks are deceiving, as for moves swiftly despite his size. For the most part the reason I gotten so attach to DK is because of my brother and my friend. They will always be the first one to pick him up when we play Mario Party, since then my brother is older and he got a job so he rarely plays games anymore. My friend move to Pennsylvania and I lost contact with him, so I guess you can say that I wanted to continue his legacy. In the end, DK will always be my favorite character and will never be distinguish as long as I am around.

Edit: posted
All of your opinions were really interesting to read and learn. It's nice to know your likings better... So, results...

Points earned:
MQMax 10G
Toadette 10G
Whimsicott 10G
Yoshiman222 10G
SirYoshi211 10G
Vipsoccermaster 10G
SpiderStaryu 10G
DeadlyxImpulse 10G

If any mistakes have been made in the points, be sure to let me know.