May 6 - Share a Mario Party Experience


It's as simple as describing one of your moments in Mario Party games that spark your interest... What sort of experience that you want to share with others? And what does this game brings to you? A good video game experience? Something unique? Something that you enjoy? Well it's now that you can say so and talk about it.

There's no best entry at all, you all got G5 if you are doing it. However, you need to be precise with what you're talking and it must not be the same than these who participate in Blizzard Bonanza.

Extra Objective : Post 5 posts somewhere in the forum in topics that does count posts, except here where it doesn't count. (And this include no blogs or activities central) for an extra G5!
A few months ago I was playing Mario Party 6, as usual.

On E. Gadd's Garage, you know the Orbs to coins converter machine? Well, a CPU Toadette gave in a Gold Mushroom, a Bullet Bill and a Flutter Orb. Guess how much she got?
You saw: A coin, a Blue +, a Blue 7 and a Blue 0. She got 70 coins. -___-

And in the same game, I had to ragequit b/c of Miracle Time; I land on it, it's me & Toadette. I have 6 stars, 196 coins, Toadette's in 2nd with 3 stars 6 coins. Guess what I get? SWAP COINS & STARS. I had to reset that right away. :p
My favourite Mario Party experience was when 3 of my bestest friends came over on a Saturday, and we literally played Mario Party ALL DAY. We played MP1 - 9 and pretty much every single board.

That is a day I will NEVER FORGET of Summer 2012 :)

Also here are my posts;topicseen#msg256376
I tied with my nephew in the Duel mode in Mario Party 3. His Baby Bowser powered up hit my Boo. He countered attacked and resulted in both of us losing all our heart pieces. I won the dice block roll.

More recently, I played Deep Boober Sea with the same nephew on 20 turns. I was Daisy, he was Yoshi, the CPUs were Luigi and Waluigi. Battles occurred way too much, I won most of them. I was able to steal about three stars with my coins.

The other three players had zero coins at one point :p

Bad or good luck, all my experiences with this Mario Party are good.

This is probably more AI stupidity than anything, but a CPU Mario practically gave me the game in a Star Battle Arena Duel on Koopa's Tycoon Town. I was positioned behind Mario space-wise throughout the incredibly short match, and had enough coins to overtake and upgrade the hotels he blindly invested in. Probably more facepalm-worthy was that at one point I had a Twice (or Thrice, don't remember) and was en route to get enough coins from the coin block to upgrade the top path hotel (enough to win, as the left hotel had been repossessed and upgraded by me just beforehand) if he were to buy it. He still did even though he had less than 10 coins with which to invest.

Gotta love stupid computer AI.
This happened not too long ago - Me and a friend played Mario Party DS in a team against 2 Very Hard CPU's.

We had the perfect team for this - I had all the skill when playing, and my friend had all the luck.
As we were playing on Bowser's Pinball Machine, this luck proved even more useful than my skill at times (going to the lucky zone all the time, for example)

After about 3/4 of the game went through, the game was most likely so annoyed that we were dominating Very Hard CPU's by about 900 coins and 20 stars, it froze on us.
...and this is also after my friend landed on one of their coin-swap hexes on purpose while we had 999 coins. XD

...with that story done with, it's now for the posts -
I remember this one time I was playing Mario Party 3, I wasn't doing too well. Like it was Deep Bloober Sea, 25 Turns. And for like a good chunk of the game, I was doing pretty damn bad. I had bad luck in Game Guy and bad rolls overall. But then I land on Game Guy with like 56 Coins. I play Game Guy's Sweet Surprise, and I was like what the hell and placed my bet on the Mini Chomp, who had x64. Surprisingly... I ended up winning and getting 999 Coins! After I kept circling the top part of the board (cuz of the angler fish), stealing stars everytime I pass by Boo. I ended up having like 12 Stars at the end, and like only Mario had 2 Stars cuz of Bonus Stars lmao. The rest had 0. It was the ultimate comeback.  ;D
Easily one of my best memories happened quite recently. During one of our school holidays, a bunch of my best friends went over to one persons house and brought all of our Nintendo systems. NES, SNES, N64, GCN, WII, WII U, and several varieties of DS. Among the best times we had over the course of the whole day was Mario Party 7. I dont know how many of you have actually played MP7 with all 8 players but it was an absolute blast. The competitive spirit was out of the roof and it really was just a fun experience. Those games of MP7 easily beat out the other MP's we played earlier that day as well as, Mario Kart, Strikers and Super Sluggers.

EDIT: All 5 posts made.
So this happened a long time ago. I was playing Castaway Bay for 15 turns with my two friends, this was like in 2005. We were having fun playing, until like half-way through, where we had to stop playing, since my friends had to leave. Oh well. But playing on Castaway Bay was a lot of fun with my friends, it was pretty chaotic reaching the DK boat first. I was pretty skilled in mini-games, and my friends couldn't get as many coins. I finished the rest of the game on my own, but it was a bit boring. Just wished my friends stayed a bit longer to really have fun until the end, to see who won. Needless to say, I did win.

5 posts made.
These were some good moments to read! I personally enjoy it. Now here's the points:

Share your Mario Party experience! (5G):
The Shattered Legacy

Members who did their 5 posts (5G):

Points earned:
Brookelas (10G)
MQMax (10G)
SpiderStaryu (10G)
Vipsoccermaster (10G)
Whimsicott (10G)
Yoshiman222 (10G)
The Shattered Legacy (5G)
Timmy (5G)
Toadette (5G)
SirYoshi211 (5G)

If any mistakes have been made in the points, be sure to let me know.