May 5 - Mario Party Minigame Creation

Vote for the member with the best minigame idea!

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Time to create a Mario Party minigame from your imagination. Here's what you need:

-Name of the minigame
-Minigame type (4 players, duel, etc...)
-How the game is played (Directives, details, goal)
-To convince others that your minigame is a good one!

When you did this, there will be a poll that I will set around 12:00AM (EDT) or next time I will come online and then it's others who will decide who will have done the best minigame.

So, it's time to show your ideas! (I know this one might be more calm but I know I won't always be able to do a lot of interactive minigames.)

1st place - G20
2nd place - G10
Everyone else who is participating! - 5G

Extra Objective - Post a new topic or 3 new posts in the Modern Mario Party Board for a extra G5!
Hightail It Outta Here!

Minigame Type: Duel (1-vs.-1)
Controller: Wii U Gamepad

You and your opponent are trapped in Bowser's Castle! You are trying to escape, however, it's heavily guarded by members of his Army, and your only form of defense is a Stone Tanooki Leaf! Make sure you turn into a Statue at just the right moment, too soon and you'll be stuck, too late and you'll be spotted by Bowser's Troops!

Opening Animation: The two characters fall into Bowser's Castle, and shake off their dizziness. Seeing guards scattered around, they panic, but it's their lucky day when a Stone Leaf floats into their clutches. They transform into their Tanooki forms and run.

Do not let Bowser's Troops see you. He has a wide array of minions with different reaction times to your getaway. Use the rhythm of their reactions (A large ! sign over their head) to turn into a Stone Statue and blend in. This is a longer minigame, with a points system.

Change Successfully/Don't get spotted: +1 point (per enemy you sneak by)
Get Spotted: -2 points (per enemy)

Different reaction times appear between Bowser's troops, from Slow, Medium, Fast and Instant. Your changing abilities are triggered by pressing buttons on the Gamepad. Their ! marks will match the color of their reaction time.

Goomba: Slow
Koopa Troopa: Medium
Dry Bones: Fast
Shy Guy: Instant

: Change

How to Win: Get the most points.

Ending Animation: The winner successfully escapes Bowser's Castle, while the Loser is held up by Guards.

Toadette in the minigame, changing herself to hide from a Koopa.

Also, 3 posts in Modern Mario Party.;topicseen#msg256269;topicseen#msg256268;topicseen#msg256267

Minigame Type: 4 vs. 1
Controller: Wii Remote and Wii U Gamepad

Description: The Star Bunnies are getting ready for their annual Carrot Patch festival but there has been a shortage in carrots. They need your help to find just a few more carrots to have enough food for everybody. Get a Star Bunny disguise on and infiltrate the farm to get some carrots.

Tips/Gameplay: 4 Star Bunny Players run around collecting carrots. They may strategically use bushes and rabbit holes to hide and transport respectively. Picking up carrots will slow you down so make sure to have an escape route near you. Carrots will not fit in rabbit holes and they will stick out of bushes giving away your position. You may throw carrots to get away or to stun opposing players. Gamepad player has a net and 2 helpers running around with him. The helpers will follow closely and copy your net swings. Use them strategically to spread out and find the bunnies. Net player may not go into rabbit holes but they can search bushes for rabbits.

Win Conditions: Bunnies obtain 10 carrot within the time limit.
                        Net player successfully defends the farm for the time limit.


I'm pretty sure that everything. If you would like more elaboration don't be afraid to ask. I chose to go with a Spring theme just like we did a Winter theme in Blizzard Bonanza even though it wasn't necessary. Hope you guys enjoy it!

EDIT: Three posts made
Gravity Holders

Type: 2v4

Game Directions: Two players must use the gravity switches to send the spiked ball crashing into four opponents with antigravity suits!

Introduction: Toadette and a Hammer Bro are seen, using the gravity switches to send the spiked ball right into a Goomba.

Gameplay: The spiked ball moves left and right on a "floor" automatically. If the top player presses his/her gravity switch, the spiked ball will be pulled towards that player's side from the bottom, and vice versa. The team of 4, with antigravity suits, floats around the area trying to avoid the spiked ball. If one player gets hit by the spiked ball, he/she is eliminated.

Time Limit: 30 seconds

Ending: The winning team is seen performing their victory poses while Toadette and the Hammer Bro use the switches to send the spiked ball into the losing team, who desperately try to dodge it.

A (Two): Alter gravity
DPad (Four): Move

Here is my minigame. It is called: FLOWER AND SUGAR 3000!

Its a 2 VS 2 + 1 minigame (The 1 person uses the gamepad). E Gadd set up a FLO(U)(WE)R 3000 machine. It turns flowers into flour. xD

One person from each team of 2 must pick flowers (Hold Wii Remote Sideways, D Pad to move, 2 to pick flowers and send them to E Gadd).

The other person must keep tapping certain buttons to put sugar in their bowl. The first team to fill their bowl wins!

But there is another twist!

The 5th player will be helping E Gadd turn the flower into sugar by drawing shapes on the gamepad. While they are not competing, the solo player gets their own amount of coins based on how well they do for an added twist!

Flash Attack
1vs3 Minigame

Game Instuctions
Team players must sneak their bob-ombs over to the solo player in order to plant theirs underneath him and blow him up.
The solo player must wake-up the bob-omb by shining a flashlight at the for a length of time.
Objects in the room will provide a cover for the team players from the solo player's light, however.

Team Players (Wii Remote)
(Control Pad) - Move
(1-hold) - Walk slowly
(2-hold) - Sprint

Solo Player (Wii Remote/WiiU Gamepad)
Aim Downwards - Charge Battery
Point at Screen - Flash light
Any button (hold) - Fake-out

Team Players
The time it takes for a Bob-omb to wake depends on the speed you are walking at when the solo player flashes their light.
The slower you go, the more time it will take for the Bob-omb to wake!

Solo Player
Try to flash the players while they're out in the open to ensure their Bob-ombs will wake up on them.
Additionally, if you hold your light out for too long, you'll be unable to flash it again for some time.

3 Characters walk into a room full of barrels and crates with sleeping bob-ombs in their hands.
The solo player rests on the other side on a raised platform, flashlight in hand, suddenly aims it at the entire room.
After a short time, the other players hide behind a crate on the other side of the area.
After the light goes out, the game begins.

Time limit - 60 seconds
The team players must try to reach the other side of an area full of barrels and crates. Music is playing while the team players are sneaking over to the other side, but it suddenly stops as the solo player flashes their light at the area. When the solo player flashes the light, the team players must immediately run to cover or else their bob-ombs will wake up angerly and blow-up the player that's carrying them. Holding the light out drains the battery, which can only be restored when the player drops the flashlight. If the solo player pulls a fake-out, though, the music will stop for half a second, but them immediately start-up again. When time runs out, all the bob-ombs carried by the team players will blown-up (eliminated), resulting in the solo player wining the game. The solo player can also win by making all the team player's bob-ombs blow-up on them (eliminating them all). The team players can only win the game by reaching the platform where the solo player is.

Endgame scenes
Team Players
The solo player freaks out while the team players fun out of the area. The bob-omb below the solo player blows up, destroying the while platform and sending the solo player flying.
The scene then changes to the team players, where they do their victory dances. After a short time, the solo player lands behind them all, dizzy and blackened by the explosion.

Solo Player
The solo player is shown on the platform, with the team players below them, dizzy and blackened by the explosion. The solo player them proceeds with their victory dance.​
A side note - Team players will be holding their Wii remotes sideways. The solo player will use either the Wii Remote or the Gamepad (whichever they like), holding them their normal ways (Wii Remote pointed at the screen for flashing, and the Gamepad's screen facing the players with a control stick on each side (the normal way, just aiming it downwards when the player wants to charge their batteries))

Overall, this game is kind-of like the Sneak and Snore Minigame from MP2, but one player is the "Chain Chomp" and the other players, all working together, have to find an object to hide behind when the "Chain Chomp" looks instead of not moving (but they get more time to hide depending on how slow they were moving before he "wakes up")

Anyhow the points for the bonus G -
Okay everyone, now that some minigames got completed and time is elapsed, it's time to vote!

Contestants with their minigame ideas:

Toadette - Hightail It Outta Here!
Whimsicott - Carrot Caper
MQMax - Gravity Holders
Brookelas - FLOWER AND SUGAR 3000
Yoshiman222 - Flash Attack

The poll will be up until May 7, 2013 at 12:20:24AM (PDT)
Touch Buzzy, Get Busy

Free for All (Bonus)

Time: 60sec or until all players except the dropper are eliminated

Info: Running away from shells in an enclosed space isn't anything new, but what if you got bonus coins for surviving longer and longer? Make use of power ups and watch out for the game pad player's Buzzy Beetle drops to survive and thrive on a quick cache!


One player is randomly assigned to be the Game Pad user. They simply tap on the screen to drop a Buzzy Beetle or an item, as determined by a queue.
All other players hold the Wiimote horizontally. D-Pad to move, (2) to jump and (1) to use the item ability.

Fire Flowers can be used to burn opponents and screw up their reaction times (and hopefully eliminate them!) Not too useful against Buzzy Beetles.
Super Leaves provide a bit more air time if (1) is tapped, and when grounded a well timed Tail Flip can knock out a Buzzy Beetle and trip other players.
Golden Mushrooms allow a player to do a 'golden slide' which can make Buzzy Beetles gold (which as to be expected makes it leave a trail of coins), though colliding wi another player gives them 5 coins instead.

Power ups and gold effect last for 5 seconds.

Although the enclosed platform prevents falling out of bounds, don't try to jump recklessly - you'll still fall!

Don't forget that jumps are reliable and great for dodging item attacks and Buzzy Beetles/shells!

Points schema:
Game Pad player - +1 coin for each Buzzy Beetle thrown, +10 coins for each eliminated player due to Buzzy Beetle, +15 coins for throwing a Gold Mushroom
Wiimote players - +1 coin for every 5 seconds survived, +10 coins for contributing to another Wiimote player's downfall, +5 coins for defeating a Buzzy Beetle, +1 coin for each coin collected from Gold Buzzy Beetle, +5 coins for being tackled by a golden player, +1 coin for kicking a Buzzy Beetle shell, +1 coin for reflecting a shell with the Tail

Bonus Objective - posted in Candy Transformation, Toad Statue and Blooper/Hammer Bro
Mini-Game: Bob-ombadonk


A bob-omb drops in front of the players, harming them very roughly! The teams think it was the other 2 that put the bomb there! So it's time to start a explosive fight, getting dirty with Bob-ombs! But tactfully and with full on mischief! Hide behind the switches, putting your bob-ombs in play, and then push 2 of your opponent's buttons, hoping to set off at least one bob-omb!

In this mini-game, you have to work together with your partner to blow up your rivals! Each team has 5 switches, they both have to choose 2 of their own switches that will be the bomb, then they choose 2 of their opponent's bombs from the 5 present. The objective IS to set off the bomb, so make sure you choose wisely what your bombs will be, and what switches from your opponent's side you'll set off. This goes on until someone gets 3 points, and the team that achieves that first, wins!


Up - Switch 1
Left - Switch 2
Right - Switch 3
Down - Switch 4
- Switch 5

As the rounds go on further and further, the time to choose decreases each time! Make sure you and your partner know which 2 you will choose to be the bomb and which 2 of your opponent's switches to set off! Predicting helps drastically, read your opponent and what you think they will do!

Mini-Game Pun:
Pun on the phrase "ba-donka-donk".​

Made topic:
After thinking well about it, I think I should include you in the points SuperZambezi, because I know I already did multiple exceptions during the activities because I took time doing the activities and I let a few go away... and I would feel wrong not giving some to you, so... I will do this...

So here's the winners!

1st SpiderStaryu, Whimsicott (20G)
Yoshiman222 (10G)

Participating (5G):

The Shattered Legacy

Members who did their 3 posts/topic (5G):
The Shattered Legacy

Points earned:
SpiderStaryu 25G
Whimsicott 25G
Yoshiman222 15G
Brookelas 10G
MQMax 10G
The Shaterred Legacy 10G
Toadette 10G
SirYoshi211 5G
SuperZambezi 5G
Vipsoccermaster 5G

If any mistakes have been made in the points, be sure to let me know.