May 4 - Tic Tac Toe

Yeah, you guess it... this good recreative game will be useful for today's challenge.
Basically, I will do several games and you will have to win your oponnent to get points.
You can have G5 for participating, and I would limit to 1 game.
The first member who post on here start to play in first and can decide between X's and O's.
You play in turn order until someone get a Tic Tac Toe or when the game board is full (count for a tie and no points.)
After that, two other players can join the game.
So you have to say where you will place your X or O.
A bonus if you win a game : I'm giving a bonus G5.

Basically, you get G5 for doing a game. You only need one game for this.

So it's now time to get started!
Extra Objective : Post a new topic or 3 new posts in General Gaming for an extra G5!
Well I was supposed to put the images one by one but I think it's a little too difficult to do so because it's a little fast... so hmmm sorry. And also, I think I might have to somewhat change a few things regarding the rules. I might give people a chance to do only 1 game for fun to get only 5G because I think it might be a little too much if I kept doing it and I think that some people won't have the chance to do it. Sorry.