May 29 - Match The Description


You must post a picture (Mario Party related) which will represent my description the best. I will vote myself for the 1 which represent it the most.

I'm awesome
Having fun
Through everyone
I'm nice, but sometimes bad
I want to show to others
How to have an awesome party
And to dominate my game

1st -> G20
2nd -> G10
Participating -> G5

Extra Objective: Post a new topic or three new posts in the GCN Mario Party board for an extra G5!
So between these two pictures...

Vipsoccermaster got something with more sense that what I was seeking, so he won 20G.
SuperZambezi got 10G.

But what was something which really makes sense and would have been perfect...
As easy as...


Vipsoccermaster 25G
SuperZambezi 10G
MQMax 5G

If any mistakes have been made in the points, be sure to let me know.