May 20 - Super Password


You will have to find out of which element from the Mario series I'm talking about with a few words that does explain the actual answer. Try to find out!

If you do found one, it's G5!

Extra Objective: Create a topic or three new posts in this board about Paper Mario Series for an extra G5!

-> Ice
-> Ice Rink
-> Circle
-> Freezie
-> Gondolas Posts

-> Gold
-> Great value
-> Rarely found
-> No use

-> Green
-> Helpful
-> Cute
-> Friendly
-> Partner

-> Blue
-> Slow moves
-> Dangerous

-> Useful
-> Pricey
-> Good to have
-> Make avoid mistakes
-> Is an object

More will come during the day if all 5 and answered.
Timmy said:
5th: Would that be the Life Shroom from the Paper Mario series? If not, then I don't get the 4th point where it says "Make avoid mistakes". :p
Also, New Topic
Well yes, you are right. I said that because you can finish with 0 HP at some moments and that this could be a live-saver in some way. Basically, to don't have to restart and all.

A limit of two passwords total to leave a chance to as much people as possible to have answers.