May 2 - Super Mario Stories

Vote for the member with the best story!

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Okay, this time, what you will have to do will be to create a story revolving in the Super Mario Universe of your own. It's time to let your imagination go and to show how creative you are.

You can do it about every character about the series that you like! Not really obliged to be everyone. If for example you want to do a story with Bowser Jr. and a few others characters, well you can do so. You can also add other characters you like in the story.

But wait! There will be a phase 2 when your story will be done on May 3. You will have to VOTE for the story that you like the most from the poll AND the first and second story with the most votes will receive bonus achievements points depending of their position on the poll. You will need to get a decent number of words. (I would say between 100 and 200.)

So, let your imagination go and impress the members with your Super Mario story!

1st place - G20
2nd place- G10
Everyone else who is participating!- G5

This poll will be placed around 12:00AM (EDT) on May 3 so be sure to submit before I put the poll if you want to enter.
It will be up until May 4, until around the same time.

Extra Objective: A new topic or 3 new posts in the Blogs board for an extra G5! And post that you did on here if you want the points!

It was a very nice day in May 2013 in Flower Fields. Mario had just left flower fields to get the last star spirit. All of a sudden, the Koopaling Clown Car flies in.

"Bwahahahaha!" screams Ludwig, "Mario is long gone in the Crystal Palace! Let's cause mayham here!"

The Koopalings raise their wands, and get rid of every plant in Flower Fields.

Later that day, Toadette was shopping in Toad Town. "I sense funny buisiness," she said. She noticed the door to Flower Fields wasn't glowing anymore. "Hmmmm, I want to see what's going on!" she said, curiously

She entered the door, and it was nothing but DIRT. Dirt, soil and earth.

"Oh my goodness!" she exclaimed to herself, taking a look around the large field. As she was walking around, she saw Iggy's wand.

"The Koopalings! Ugh!" she raged. "Hmmm... how does this wand work?" Toadette wondered. "Abrakagoomba?"

Toadette had turned herself into a FLOWER! The one flower in the field, unable to move.

The next day, Daisy went to have coffee with Luigi.

"This is very nice without Mario, I must admit!" Luigi said, slightly embarassed.

"I guess... I just hope Peach and Mario are OK!" Daisy worrily said. "Want to go to flower fields? I am planting some flowers today!"

"Meh! I got-a-better things to do," Luigi replied, secretly talking about his diary.

"Awww ok," Daisy said, "maybe another day!" Daisy left and went into Flower Fields.

"CAPS LOCK O-M-G!" Daisy yelled. She walked around the fields and saw the Toadette flower.

"TOADETTE?" she shouted, shocked.

"DAISY!" the Toadette flower shouted back. "You need to help us! OMGOMGOMG ALL THE FLOWERS ARE GONE! THE KOOPALINGS CAME AND..."

"Shush! They just took out the hidden Water Generator here. Plug it in and all the plants will be back!" Daisy explained, as she plugged it in. She plugged it in, turned Toadette back into a flower and left the fields, only for one more surprise.

Wendy, Iggy and Ludwig were awaiting them.

"NO!" Wendy shouted, as Toadette stomped her.

"SIIIIIIIISTAH!" Iggy shouted as Daisy stomped her.

"Bwahahaha! You haven't seen the last of me, Mortan, Larry, Roy or Lemme." Ludwig said, flying off in his personal airship.

"Toadette, there is a secret about me. I OWN flower fields. Since Iggy left his wand behind, can I make a Toadette section? You in a flower form look beautiful!" Daisy asked.

"Sure, but how will you get flowers?" Toadette asked in reply.

"I went to Merlon's Magic Class!" Daisy replied, and they both walked away laughing

If its okay with you guys I would like to submit my part of Slacker's saga The Legend of the Mushroom Kingdom...

Chapter 6 - The Underground
Peach awoke on cold, hard ground facing a wall. She wasn�t sure where she was now, but she did know that before that she was in the well before that bob-omb exploded. Her trusty umbrella was lying next to her, so at least she had a weapon if the time called for it. It felt as though Peach was inside somewhere, but she still felt the wind blowing� and rain?

Drip. Drip. Drip.

It was unmistakable, the slight drizzle turned into a steady downpour. The princess turned away from the earthy wall to see an astounding sight. Three Thunder Clouds were whisking around this large room, surrounding the Hammer Bro-like creature. Since she was off to the side, Peach had time to assess and examine the situation without being identified as a threat. The Thunder Clouds had a clear advantage in this fight; their dark gray hue showed their displeasure with the Hammer Bro and only added to their endless supply of electricity.

The Hammer Bro was struggling, every shock of lightning paralyzed him and the water seemed to affect him as well. The constant rain was causing the room to flood, and the water was only rising. Although it would be nice for this scary monster to be defeated, that would also mean the end of Peach as well. Somewhat scared and shaky, Peach stood up. The princess would have to do something extraordinary or some miracle would have to happen if she was going to get out of this room alive.

BOOM! The wall next to the barred door was obliterated and Luigi jumped inside.

�It�s Luigi time.�

Luigi�s new hole in the wall drained the room of water and gave them some breathing room. However, Luigi knew that he had to defeat these monsters in order to open the electronic door in the other room and get the key within it. He wanted to get rid of the Hammer Bro, but he might need him to win this fight. Peach looked over at Luigi�he wanted her to run, she should�ve run�but she didn�t.

Peach dashed towards Luigi looking for some reassurance that the situation was going to turn out positive. After spending a couple of seconds coming up with a plan, Peach had already bolted into the battle scene. Peach jumped high into the air and stayed floating. The wind helped her elongate the floating process as Luigi went to get in position. After a running start from Luigi, he too made a jump and grabbed Peach�s leg. Using her as a �hold� of sorts, Luigi proceeded to pummel the Thunder Clouds with high acrobatic aerial maneuvers. Peach slowly let herself down to the Hammer Bro. to ask for his permission to beat up the hooligans. Although Peach was fighting, she was still a princess at heart, and at times like this, it showed.

In a gruff monotonous voice the Hammer Bro replied, �If you dare.� This fight would forcibly unite them into a forbidden three-way tag team... for the time being.

By the time the conversation had evaporated, Luigi was being cornered by two of the three Thunder Clouds, with one coming towards them.

�Watch out lady, Hammer Toss!� yelled the Hammer Bro as he vaulted his sturdy hammer into the Thunder Cloud.

It went right through the irate cloud but it stumbled upon several rock fixtures overhead the ones surrounding Luigi. Caught by surprise, the lone Thunder Cloud turned around leaving an opening for a direct attack. Seeing the opportunity as it came, Peach once again leapt high in the air using her umbrella as a cushion as she came down with a mighty ground pound. Moments passed as parts of the Thunder Cloud started to dissipate. One down, two to go. Another glance at the opposite end of the room showed to Peach that Luigi�s condition is dire. Luigi�s attempt to run around them was futile and ended up with countless numbers of shocks. The Hammer Bro sprinted into the scene, trying to push Luigi out of the way so the Thunder Clouds wouldn't gain any momentum in this fight.

�Leave me alone! I can take them!� cried Luigi as more shocks came way.

The Hammer Bro replied. �No you can�t! You are already losing this fight for us! Just get out of here and leave these guys to me, the stronger of us two.�

The intense argument continued at a distance from Peach�s perspective. She had to hold in a couple of disturbed chuckles when they got zapped. The happy feeling ended when both slumped to the ground, unconscious. With the thought that the Thunder Clouds would come for her next, she sprung to life and quickly made her way over to the unconscious duo. Grabbing one of the Hammer Bros hammer�s, she fastened it to her umbrella creating an elongated and more powerful version of her umbrella. Wielding her newfound weapon as a sword, she charged towrds one of the clouds and swung at it. Some contact was made, making the cloud smaller. The clouds retreated to another corner of the spacious cavern and begain to slowly flicker hues of yellow and white. While the Thunder Clouds charged up their extremely potent Thunder attack, Peach had made one more swing at them with her umbrella open to maximize the area hit. The smaller of the two clouds had vanished, signaling it�s defeat. The Thunder Cloud was clearly enticed to defeat Peach, sealing away the Power Key that lay behind the door for another spand of time. The furious cloud unleashed his lightning only a couple of feet away to Peach. Peach had hoped to protect herself with the umbrella. When she knew the strike should have hit her she peeked over her umbrella to see the tailing end of the lightning enter the hammer.

�Who would have known this hammer would make a good lightning rod.� exclaimed Peach.

And with that comment she unhooked the hammer and tossed it back at the final Thunder Cloud, ironically electrocuting it to its death.

�Don�t dish it out if you can�t take it.� chanted Peach as the victory she had long desired had become a reality. Slowly the two unconscious lumps came to their senses. When they had both realized that their surroundings were void of anything harmful, they stood up and walked in opposite directions, clearly embarassed by the fact a mere princess had saved them.

Without warning, the Hammer Bro snapped out of his daze, fled the room, and headed straight for the electronic door. Luigi tailed him quickly but was too late�the Hammer Bro already reached the sacred room and had the first Power Key in his hands. This odd creature smiled at Luigi.

�Thanks for the help, I had it covered though. I guess I should introduce myself; my name is Slammer Bro. I�m a new hybrid of Bowser�s. I�m the first of my kind, a Hammer Bro fused with a Metal Box. I will be unstoppable, after me and Bowser find all these Power Keys, we will share their power and take over the entire world. I appreciate you speeding up the process for me and greatly helping me get this first key, so I�ll let you go this time. If I�m out finding these keys and you get in my way again though, I will end you.�

And with that, Slammer Bro sprinted past Luigi with exceptional speed, catching Luigi off guard. The Slammer Bro reached the base of the well and started wall-jumping up it, but he wasn�t in the clear yet.


If you guys aren't ok with me submitting this since it was written in the past and in conjunction with another members ideas, I will understand.

EDIT: Blog topic made...
Mario's Birthday
A Birthday to remember

Mario was getting ready for bed, after a full week of cleaning up the damage Bowser has caused before, it was a busy busy day for Mario. He just wanted some rest after all that hard work, when suddenly, a thought came to him. His Birthday was just tomorrow. As Mario sled into the covers, it had him thinking if everyone would remember. Last year, he had such an average birthday, with only a few friends, a few presents, and that was it. Mario was the king of parties, everyone knew that if you wanted someone to throw a party, just ask Mario, he knew everything to make a perfect party. But for some reason, the party last year wasn't as good as it could of been. Mario didn't even have a cake that birthday, as the princess couldn't make it cuz of some business she had in Sarasaland.

Mario shrugged and decided that whatever would happen tomorrow, would happen and that he won't make such a big deal of it. Mario knew that he has been a hero multiple times by now, saving Peach countless amounts of times, so he knew something good would come from tomorrow, but what? Mario then fell asleep dreaming about one of the best parties he's thrown. It was way back when, when all of Mario's friends were present, even friends like Blooper, Hammer Bro., Koopa Kid, even Toadette (who Mario has not seen in 5 years) was there, celebrating and having a great time with their buddy Mario. When Mario saw those faces in his dream, Mario got startled and woke up, he hasn't seen some of those faces in years, and it got him thinking... Over time, it seems like those faces haven't been seen anymore, Blooper went back in the ocean, Hammer Bro is working for Bowser yet again, Koopa Kid went away to another kingdom and no one has seen him since, and Toadette straight up vanished. No one has heard from Toadette for many years, a lot of people thought she died and no one wanted to discuss it, others feel like her relation to Bowser publicly seen has drawn her to disappear from the public to protect her reputation.

Mario head back to sleep and awaited for the next day. As usual, Parakarry dropped off the mail for Mario and Luigi, but this time all the mail was for Mario. Luigi, being nosy, started opening up the mail, hoping his brother wouldn't notice seeing as he was sound asleep. Surprisingly, Mario snatched the mail from under his nose as Luigi tried to open it, "What the!?" Luigi screamed, "Don't tell me we got ghosts again...". Mario chuckled, "No weegee, it's justa me, Mario. Snooping into my business again, I see, huh?", Mario said in a snarky tone. "Sorry bro, you know I hate when that blasted troopa doesn't give me mail... but hey! Happy Birthday man! How old are you again, haha?". "Oh Luigi, you know I don't like discussing my age lol", Mario said laughing. "Haha, I know I know, I'm just messing with ya! What do you plan to do today?", Luigi asked wondering. Mario really didn't know, he thought he'd give his old friends a call, but then he shook his head removing that thought. "Uh, you know, I'll just go on my daily stroll and think about that, I really don't know what I wanna do' yet".

"That's alright Mario, go out and think about it. But if you decide to throw another wild party again, please make sure you tell me first! Last year I missed the party cuz I got locked in the basement and no one heard me...", Luigi said. "Hahahaha, oh Weegee, that won't happen again I promise, hehehe! Welp, see ya!", Mario said leaving his house and entering the warp pipe to Toad Town. As Mario left, Luigi made sure, and then  gave Toad a call, "Is everything set for Mario, Toad?", "Ohohoho, Luigi, yes it is! You can count on it! Me and the princess are just setting things up, Daisy's baking the cake, and Yoshi is telling everyone in town about the party! It's going to be a lot of fun Luigi!", Toad said very fast and excited. "It will be fun, because I thought of it!", "Hugh...", Toad said annoyed at Luigi's ego. "Anywaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, make sure Mario doesn't enter the castle yet! I have a big plan that will surprise even Mario!". "Alright Toad, talk to you later, bye! Oh Mario, you will totally enjoy this party.. it will be better than last year, don't you worry!".

Luigi, with amazing jump and speed, catches up to Mario, but stays close behind so he doesn't notice. Mario was thinking everything was going pretty well, he talked to the members in Toad Town, and no drama seen to be brewing. When suddenly Mario said to himself, "Hmmm... I think I'll give the princess a visit...", Luigi overheard and he did not like it one bit, "Toad, Mario's heading for the castle, quick, start whatever plan you have NOW! I repeat, start it now!". "Luigi you motherf-... HUGHHHHHHH! Peach!", Toad screamed out. "Yes, Toad?", Peach said in her usual sweet voice, "Mario is heading to the castle! We need a diversion of some sort, we'll have to start the plan now!". "Oh I see, well I guess it can't be helped! I'll get Bowser!".

As Mario was walking up the steps, Bowser storms out the door, "Gwhahaha! Hey Mario!", "Bowser what do you think your doing!?", "Ruining your day, as I always do! Bwhaha!", "But Bowser.. it's my birthday! Don't do this!", Mario said in a very sad, but angered voice. Bowser didn't listen and ran up the castle, "Mario help!! He has a clown balloon up there, he's going to take me up in the sky again!!!". Mario remembered that time Bowser took Peach's castle to the sky, and it wasn't a easy journey. Mario chased Bowser with extreme speed, gaining on him more and more, Bowser waS in on the deal too, so he knew where he was leading Mario, Toad whispered, "Daisy is the cake ready?", "Yeah honey, it's ready! We just have to wait for them to come... dim the lights!". As they were running up on the roof of the castle, then suddenly a squeaky girl's voice was heard, "Mario... stop!", Mario suddenly stopped... he knew that voice, it couldn't of been... could it?!

It was none other than Toadette! Mario ran up to her and gave her a big hug, he missed his friend, he thought she died! But in turns out she was safe and fine, "Toadette, what happened to you!?", "It's a... hehe, long story. But I'm here for you birthday! Toad told me all about it!! So I wanted to come back for you!", then the rest of the gang appeared. Daisy came with the cake, Bowser let go of Peach, and Peach clicked a switch showing numerous presents from all over the Mushroom Kingdom, Toad came with a Toad choir, singing Happy Birthday in a amazing band, Yoshi took off the white cloth revealing all the food, Rosalina came with star-bits, Luigi brought Mario a golden painting with all their friends in it, Petey Piranha gave Mario a box of fire flowers, Koopa Kid/Blooper/Hammer Bro. returned from their hiatus, Shefonda bought some items for Mario as she herself loves power-ups and disguises, Boo licked Mario, and even Wario and Waluigi were there, shooting off fire works! All this, made Mario feel very overwhelmed, and grateful for the all friends he's made over the years. Even his enemies Bowser and his son Bowser Jr. were there showing love for Mario for his birthday. Mario knew one thing for sure, this was the best party he's ever had... and will be that way, forever and ever...".

I also made a topic in my blog.
So, the winners are...

1st SpiderStaryu (20G)
Whimsicott (10G)
Brookelas (5G)

Blog posts:
Luma Party
Whimsicott (5G)
Brookelas (5G)
Vipsoccermaster (5G)
Yoshiman222 (5G)
SpiderStaryu (5G)

Total points:


Luma Party

If any mistakes have been made in the points, be sure to let me know.