May 19 - Boss Battle Creation


Time to create a Boss Battle in the Mario Universe out of your imagination. You have to say...

-Which Boss
-What you will have to do during this boss battle
-Some characterestics about the current boss and place where it does happen

After this, a vote will be able to be done from members for a day.

1st place- G20
2nd place- G10
Partiipating!- G5

Extra Objective - Create a new topic or 3 new posts in any of the Mario Party boards for an Extra G5!
Name: King K Rool Cannon Clash

Setting: Outskirts Of DK Island

Objective: Kaptain K Rool is on his ship and he is attacking DK island. As he shoots his large powder bullets at you, and the Klaptraps are swarming you from behind. When you dodge the bullets, pick it up and throw at the ship. once you hit it a certain amount of times, the ship will break down forcing K Rool to come down on the island. King K Rool will still have his cannon gun, but you will not be able to pick them up. You will have to jump on his head when a opening is spotted.

Made a new topic:;boardseen#new