May 16 - Your Favorite Mario Party Board


You surely have a favorite Mario Party boards, don't you? You will have to talk about which boards you actually like and a description of things you like in these and you will get points. (It does need to be well detailed to count!)

Extra Objective: 3 posts! Anywhere! As simple as that! And this is for a bonus G5!
My favorite board of all time is E Gadd's Garage. First off, this board is based on a laboratory, something which interests me. The board layout is great, with nothing that could really get in your way except the ? Spaces on the conveyor. The music is rather catchy to listen too. Finally, the ? Spaces all have interesting events, whenever it will be conveyor movement with coins at the end, teleportation, orb swap, sucking up your rivals' coins with a giant vaccuum, and an area where you can create some Orb Spaces for yourself.

Made three posts in my blog.
My favorite board in the Mario Party series is Creepy Cavern. I found it to be a very fun board to play on. It's obviously a Cavern full of... creepiness. It has great music based on the the underground theme from Super Mario brothers with an eerie feel to it, but not the creepiest board ever. The Cavern gave you an overall creepy feel to it, especially because of it's looks. Almost any item can be used strategically here, even Poison Mushrooms. You can use Reverse Mushrooms and cause drastic results here, like visiting Boo two times when the Whomp King blocks your path.

Whomps, the stone enemies with arms and legs, can be seen playing a Mario Party of their own in the background. Riding the mining cars for 5 coins and being this boards "Action Time" event makes it a fun way to cross to the other side of the board. This board makes great use of the Locked Gates, making Skeleton Keys slightly more effective than the other boards. A character from Super Mario 64, The Whomp King, makes an appearance, he blocks important paths and turns over in his sleep. Unlike other Thwomps and Whomps, he requires you to give him an item instead of coins, I find it interesting.

Overall, I find it to be a magnificent and enjoyable board to play on.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that I made three posts "anywhere".
Can you ever truly pick a favorite board out of them all?
Nope, instead, I'm just going to pick one of my favorite from my favorite Mario Party game - Waluigi's Island.

Waluigi's Island (Formerly Luigi's Island as you can see by some of the destroyed things and the statue of Luigi in the back) is the only unlockable BattleRoyal board in the game, featuring tricks, traps, and explosives everywhere.

Right when you start, you reach by one of these areas, as you travel in a circle around some dynamite with a timer on it, which will count down and explode overtime, which will make hit players hit all their coins.

Later, there's the island of spaces that change every turn. While there's a bank space that's always there, all the other spaces are never the same, being either the helpful Item space, to the dreadful Bowser space, and even to the ever-so-lucky Chane space!

Apart from these features, the great layout of the board, and the setup of the stars, Waluigi's Island is one of the best boards created in Mario Party history (in my opinion).
Made three posts anywhere, and they should count, as they were posted on the same day.
Like Yoshiman, I'll just pick a favorite from my favorite Mario Party.

That will be Mario Party 6, and the board would be Castaway Bay. Running to the center of the board to get a star from DK on DK's boat is the main objective. But there's also Bowser, which serves the same purpose, but takes away one of your stars. The main atmosphere of the board are the islands to move on. There are two grass islands and one rocky island.

At the start, you go in a clockwise direction to the center. You go from the Start Island and go on a pier, to the left grass island. There is an event there hosted by Ukkiki who will give you coins. The next island you go is the rocky island stationed north of the center board. Two events are there, one being a raft hosted by Shy Guy and Pink Boo's house. Pink Boo only comes at night to help you steal coins or a star. Shy Guy's rafting may let you collect coins as you rdie down from the rocky island and then depart on the right grass island, just before the center of the board where you meet DK or Bowser. As you exit from the rocky island, there is an Orb Shop (another one around the pier). South of that is the third island where it is the home of the Toad/Goomba statues. During the day, Toad statues are there, and you may get positive results from the Toad statue. During the night, Goomba statue replaces Toad. Beware of the Goomba statues, as negative events may happen.

And at long last, you reach the center of the board for a chance to win a star for 20 coins or lose a star (or coins if you lack a star) from DK/Bowser, respectively, depending on whose boat you landed on. After that, you get sent back to Start, traveling to the center of the board again.

While this board doesn't offer many events, what I do like about this board the most is the atmosphere. Three islands in the middle of an ocean is really nice, I could imagine a nice vacation there in the Summer. :p
For me, it's Toadette's Music Room. It added a little more background knowledge on the then-bland character of Toadette, adding that she has an ear for music (do Toads even have ears?!). The Music Note System is fair and all the Event Spaces are pretty neat (though Hammer Bro's is pretty annoying). The only problem is that it's short and the boss is RIDICULOUSLY easy. But that theme song though. TMR is probably the best non-gimicky board in MPDS.
Mine is E. Gadd's Garage as well. I'm rather a nerdy person, so this theme PERFECTLY suits me. I love the music in this board, the happenings are so interesting (setting Orb traps, converting Orbs and getting coins yazzzzz) and the Orbs available in this board are AWESOME. I said I was nerdy right? Yep, I know each Orb available in all the boards. In this board, you got: Metal Mushroom, Flutter, Piranha Plant, Goomba, Kamek, Klepto, Mr. Blizzard, Podoboo, Zap, Paratroopa, and Bob-Omb. (Mushroom/Super Shroom/Sluggish Shroom are available on all boards, so I didn't list those lol)
All these Yellow and Red Orbs SCREAM chaotic. There are plenty of opportunities to get coins just with these orbs. Also, Kamek + Piranha Plants?! Awwww yeah. And Happening Space where you set orbs makes it awesome. This board is the definition of perfect usage of Orbs.
My favorite is Deep Bloober Sea. This is my favorite board from Mario Party 3 and all-time. I love the ocean and majestic blue sea, so this board fits my personality great. I love the outline, and how the board is. I love the happening space drama with switching up and down the paths LOL I also love love love the music, it's very soft, sweet, and nostalgic-like. It definitely feels like I'm in the sea! All of these features bring the board together perfectly.