May 11 - An Important Choice

This one... can be sort of challenging around. You will have to choose a square between 1 to 16 and let the chance go. (Because this is a luck challenge.) Depending of the square you are choosing, points will be given as follow:

There's 1 square with G20
There's 3 squares with G10
There's 11 squares with G5
And one with
-G5 (Yeah it does mean that you have a chance to LOSE points. Play at your own risk.)

So in a way, this can change everything!

And some more rules applies

->You can't choose the same square than everyone. Once it is taken, it is taken (first-come, first-serve, but this doesn't mean they will have the best choice by choosing first!)
->Once all the 16 squares are taken, the game is done and I will reveal which prize is where.

Extra Objective - Create 1 new topic or 3 new posts in General Discussion for an extra G5!
So, you all want to see if you did the good choices? Let's see...

1 Yoshiman222 (5G)
2 Toadette (5G)
3 Timmy
4 Whimsicott (5G)
5 - (5G)
6 Luma Party
7 Chubzster (20G)
8 DeadlyxImpulse (5G)
9 - (10G)
10 Brookelas
11 The Shattered Legacy
12 Toblet (5G)
13 Vipsoccermaster
14 SpiderStaryu (5G)
15 SuperZambezi (5G)
16 - (5G)

And a 10G not found! While Vipsoccermaster being our unlucky member with a 5G deduction...

3 Posts/Topic: Vipsoccermaster, Luma Party, MQMax, Yoshiman222, The Shaterred Legacy, SpiderStaryu, DeadlyxImpulse, SuperZambezi (5G)

Points earned:
Chubzster 20G
Luma Party 15G
SpiderStaryu 10G
The Shattered Legacy 10G
Timmy 10G
Toadette 5G
Whimsicott 5G
Yoshiman222 10G
DeadlyxImpulse 5G
MQMax 5G
SuperZambezi 5G
Toblet 5G
Vipsoccermaster 0G

If any mistakes have been made in the points, be sure to let me know.