Sign-Ups are now closed. Maybe next time 
Rules: Mario Party Teamwork is like the 8 player mode in Mario Party 7, but it is different, as now everybody could move individually instead of sticking with your partner. Also, I am adding collectable mini-stars to the mix, which is a replacement for stars, which can either be won from spaces or picked up. Don't worry, since coins will stay!
You can also trade mini-stars for coins, like the star space. Every Game Lasts 30 Turns. This game might be long, so be active!
Sharing: Players can give some of his coins/ministars/items to his partner at his turn. Of course, this is optional.
Day Night System: Day and Night has its different happening events, some kind of event will occur when day turns to night, the minigame gameplays are changed, and there are exclusive systems of Day and Night.. Day and Night will change every THREE TURNS, when you use the day-night clock, or when you land on clock spaces.
Exclusive to Day
Item Shops: More helpful items and Character Space Orbs are given out in Item Shops
Item Spaces: You choose 1-3 items/orbs from 5 treasure chests, determinded by your placing
Areas: Toad Houses and Lottery Shops are only active in Day
Mini Events: Mini Events are less risky- usually involves coins
Exclusive to Night
Item Shops: More agressive items and Roadblock Orbs are given out in Item Shops
Item Spaces: You answer a question and get 1-3 items/orbs, determinded by your answer
Areas: Koopa Kid Houses and Boo Houses are only active in Night
Mini Events: Mini Events are more risky- usually involves lots of coins or mini-stars
Blue Space/ This space will give you 3 coins and 1 ministar
Red Space/ This space will take your 3 coins and 1 ministar
? Space/ Random effect will happen when you land here
Battle Space/ A battle for either coins or ministars will start (1st: 35% 2nd: 25% 3rd: 15% 4th: 10% 5th: 7% 6th: 3% 7th and 8th: X)
Duel Space/ A duel for either coins or ministars will start- the prize is decided by Slot of Stupendous
Mini-Event Space/ Mini-Event Space will happen when you will get a good result, bad result, or a happening
Bowser Space/ Bowser will come out and hinder you
Clock Space/ Day turns to Night, Night turns to Day directly after that person's turn. (That makes it different as Sun/Rain Space, Staryu. ;D)
Game Guy Space/ A 1 player minigame will start where you can double, triple your coins or ministars, or lose them all
Item Space/ Get a chance for an item or an orb
Toad Space/ Toad will come out and help you
Bonus Space/ You will go to the bonus route which involves a mission- if you success, you will get a nice bonus!
Mission Space/ A Mission which is like Captain Event(Mission is actually its French name) starts, where you can get/lose ministars
There are only three mission spaces in the board, it is activated by passing on it, and you are forced to stop when you pass it
Boss Battle Space/ A Mini-Boss Battle will start, where you can get ministars by your placing
There are only two Boss Battle spaces in the board, it is activated by passing on it, and you are forced to stop when you pass it\
Item Shop: Buy an item- the items and the prize will differ by your placing
Lottery Shop: Participate in a lottery- you can win stars, mini-stars, items, or huge pile of nothing.
You get a Lotto Ticket and Powerball Ticket when you land here. Only on DAY
Boo House: Steal opponent's coins or stars by Boo Only on NIGHT
Toad House: Toad will give you a bonus, by participating in a game with him Only on DAY
Koopa Kid House: Koopa will hinder you, by stealing your things Only on NIGHT
Ministar Trading Post: Trade coins with ministars, or vice versa (2 coins=1 mini-star) You can also buy a Shine Sprite which stands for 20 ministars, which can be bought for 20 coins.
Fast Block: Roll up to 20: 5 coins
Slow Block: Roll up to 5: 5 coins
Back Block: Go Reverse: 5 coins
Sluggish Block: Choose your roll: 5 coins
Mobile Phone: Call an item shop, lottery shop, Toad House, Koopa Kid House, or Ministar Trading Post and activate its effects/ Day/Night is ignored in this item: 5 coins
Warp Pipe: Switch Places with someone: 5 coins
Card Key: Take a path which is blocked: 10 coins (The reason why its prize increased is it is much more useful now)
Faster Block: Roll up to 30: 10 coins
Bob-omb: Make Bob-omb blow up at your face and start a battle minigame: 10 coins
Dueling Glove: Duel with someone: 10 coins
Gaddlight: Protect Boo attacks: 10 coins
Snag Bag: Take opponent's item: 10 coins
Metal Cap: Protect yourself from Mini-ztars and Roadblocks: 10 coins
Green Shell: Take 20 coins from everyone you passed: 10 coins
Sleepy Sheep: Make one player rest for 1 turn: 10 coins
Boo's Crystal Ball: Call Boo- does the same as the Boo House (Both usable at Day and Night): 15 coins
Mach Bike: Roll a fast block for 3 turns: 15 coins
Fire Flower: Used for 3 turns- anyone you pass will have to give 10 coins to you: 15 coins
Ice Flower: Used for 3 turns- anyone you pass will be frozen and can't make their move: 15 coins
Lucky Coin: Get 3 coins when you pass each space: 15 coins
Day Night Clock: Day switches to Night, and vice versa after that person's turn: 15 coins
Assist Trophy: Does something end of the turn: 15 coins
Miniztar Pack: Makes an opponent lose 20 ministars: 20 coins
Retry Clock: Make 2 turns at once: 20 coins
Wing Cap: Warp to any space- but you won't roll: 25 coins
Red Shell: Take 20 ministars from everyone you passed: 25 coins
Hammer Suit: Used for 3 turns- anyone you pass will have to give 10 ministars to you: 25 coins
Item Bag: 3 different items for you to use: 30 coins
5 coin discount (2 for 5 coin items) will occur when a shopper is in 7th or 8th.
Orbs (Character Spaces)
Poison Mushroom Orb: The victim will not perform the next turn: 5 coins
Hammer Bro. Orb: The victim will lose 10 coins, and it will go to the owner: 10 coins
Rocket Nozzle Orb: The victim gets blasted away to Start Space: 10 coins
Lighting Orb: The victim will get his all of the items and his orbs DESTROYED: 10 coins
Team Attack Orb: The victim will lose 6, 18, 30, or 60 coins, and those coins will be splitted with the opponents: 15 coins
Vaccum Orb: All the others will lose 1, 3, 5, or 10 coins each, and those coins will go to the owner: 15 coins
Piranha Plant Orb: The victim will lose half of his coins, and those coins will go to the owner: 15 coins
Kamek Orb: The victim will lose 1-3 character spaces, and those spaces will go to the owner: 15 coins
Boo Orb: The victim will lose 20 mini-stars or up to 50 coins, and those coins will go to the owner: 20 coins
Ztar Package Orb: The victim will lose 10-30 mini-stars, which is all random: 20 coins
Dynamite Orb: The victim will lose half of his mini-stars, which will go to the owner: 30 coins
Orbs: Roadblock
Spiny Orb: The victim will lose 10 coins: 10 coins
Thwomp Orb: The victim will stop moving: 10 coins
Cataquack Orb: The victim is send to a random space: 10 coins
Assist Trophy Orb: The victim will activate the Assist Trophy: 10 coins
Amp Orb: The victim loses 3 coins per space: 15 coins
Whomp Orb: The victim will stop moving, and lose 10 coins: 15 coins
Bomb Orb: The victim will lose half of his coins: 15 coins
Toady Orb: The victim will lose one of his items/orbs: 15 coins
Miniztar Pickup Orb: The victim will lose 20 mini-stars: 20 coins
Chain Chomp Orb: The victim will lose half of his mini-stars: 30 coins
Last 5 Turns Event:
1. A lottery drawing will occur- they will bet for a ticket recieved from Lottery Shop.
First, Lotto will start, then Powerball Starts. Lotto has 1-8, Powerball has 1-4.
In Lotto, the winners will get a pot of 30 Mini-stars, which can be split.
In Powerball, the winners will get a pot of 30 coins, which can be split.
2. People who are in 5th-8th will get a bonus- that can be coins, mini-stars, items, or happening.
3. One of this events will occur-
Bowser's Rage: All the Red Spaces will turn to Bowser Spaces.
Coin/Mini-Star Multiplier: You will get 9 coins and 3 mini-stars when you land on blue spaces, and vice versa
Minigame Bonus: You will get double the amounts of bonus in minigames
Mini Star Spreadout: There are going to be lots of ministars spread out in the board
Trade Sale: In Trading Post- you now only need to pay 1 coin for 1 mini-star/ shine sprites now only cost 10 coins
Double Damage: All the attacks will now do double damage
Boss Frenzy: 2 Boss Spaces are added
Bowser Event:
Single Player Bowser Minigame: If you fail this minigame, you will lose 10 coins, 20 coins, 30 coins, all the items, or 20 mini-stars.
Multi Player Bowser Minigame: Same as above, but it is multiplayer, and only one player will lose.
Bowser Revolution: All the coins will be equalized
Bowser Shuffle: Bowser will switch everybody's places
Fawful's Appearance: Good News- Bowser is gone. Bad News- Fawful will steal either 10-30 coins, all the items, or 20 mini-stars.
Toad's Bonus Event:
Single Player Bonus Minigame: If you win this minigame, you will get 10 coins, 20 coins, 30 coins, or 20 mini-stars.
Multi Player Bonus Minigame: Same as above, but it is multiplayer, and the top 3 gets the prize.
Toad's Item Giveaway: Toad will give you some items to help you
Coin Bonus: Toad will give you 10 coins, 20 coins, 30 coins, or 20 mini-stars.
Bonus Mini-Stars (They are all worth 20 mini-stars)
Minigame Star: The player who earns the most coins/mini-stars in minigames wins this star
Coin Star: The player who has the MAX amount of coins wins this star
Shine Sprite Star:The player who buys the most Shines wins this star
Item Star: The player who used the most items gets this star
Unlucky Star: The player who loses most ministars/coins/items gets this star
Happening Star: The player who landed on the most happening spaces gets this star
After those stars are awarded- the FINAL Boss minigame will start, which can be a game changer
Final Boss minigames are exclusive for each board, so they won't be listed
Confirmed Minigames by Sneak Peak:
Hurt or Heal: Try to hurt or heal your opponents to survive!
Mini Monopoly: Build houses, motels, or hotels in order to get lots of money!
Bob-omb Flip: Remake of Voltorb Flip- get lots of coins, but don't get bombed out!
Plunder Ground: Watch the Monty Moles, and try to get the most jewels!
Panel Panic: Try not to fall down the abyss, by surviving on panels!
Caption It: Try to caption the photo that is given to you!
Right or Wrong: Use your 6th sense to defy the 2 players' actions!
Hide and go Boom: Don't get blasted off by the cannon!
Fight Cards: Outsmart your opponents by attacking by signs!
Weigh it Up: Put objects on the weight scale, and make it heavy! However, don't make it overflow!
Whomp Stomp: Don't get squashed by that Whomp!
Dry Bones' Card Battle: Defeat Dry Bones by numbered cards!
The scrapped ideas
Bowser Time: Day Night System was pushed over this.
Stars: 30 mini-stars would have automatically turned into 1 star, but stars are removed.
Removal of 4 vs 4 Minigames: They were scheduled to be removed, but it was brought back, after I thinking about Weight it Up
3C=1MS: You needed 3 coins for one ministar but now you only need two coins for one
Health System and Partners: Partners damage your opponents and steals some stuffs- but it is scrapped due to lack of my thinking. I don't even want to copy Topper's one
You Lose Shine When Attacked: You automatically lose a Shine(20 coins) when you are attacked by any way before, but now it changed
If you think some of these above ideas need a comeback, contact me.
You are free to give me criticsm, since I am still planning this game
You can ask me a question, too.
Thanks to:
Dark Boo for deciding the Three Turn Cycle ;D
Y222 and VSM for thinking me of early reservations
Rules: Mario Party Teamwork is like the 8 player mode in Mario Party 7, but it is different, as now everybody could move individually instead of sticking with your partner. Also, I am adding collectable mini-stars to the mix, which is a replacement for stars, which can either be won from spaces or picked up. Don't worry, since coins will stay!
Sharing: Players can give some of his coins/ministars/items to his partner at his turn. Of course, this is optional.
Day Night System: Day and Night has its different happening events, some kind of event will occur when day turns to night, the minigame gameplays are changed, and there are exclusive systems of Day and Night.. Day and Night will change every THREE TURNS, when you use the day-night clock, or when you land on clock spaces.
Exclusive to Day
Item Shops: More helpful items and Character Space Orbs are given out in Item Shops
Item Spaces: You choose 1-3 items/orbs from 5 treasure chests, determinded by your placing
Areas: Toad Houses and Lottery Shops are only active in Day
Mini Events: Mini Events are less risky- usually involves coins
Exclusive to Night
Item Shops: More agressive items and Roadblock Orbs are given out in Item Shops
Item Spaces: You answer a question and get 1-3 items/orbs, determinded by your answer
Areas: Koopa Kid Houses and Boo Houses are only active in Night
Mini Events: Mini Events are more risky- usually involves lots of coins or mini-stars
Blue Space/ This space will give you 3 coins and 1 ministar
Red Space/ This space will take your 3 coins and 1 ministar
? Space/ Random effect will happen when you land here
Battle Space/ A battle for either coins or ministars will start (1st: 35% 2nd: 25% 3rd: 15% 4th: 10% 5th: 7% 6th: 3% 7th and 8th: X)
Duel Space/ A duel for either coins or ministars will start- the prize is decided by Slot of Stupendous
Mini-Event Space/ Mini-Event Space will happen when you will get a good result, bad result, or a happening
Bowser Space/ Bowser will come out and hinder you
Clock Space/ Day turns to Night, Night turns to Day directly after that person's turn. (That makes it different as Sun/Rain Space, Staryu. ;D)
Game Guy Space/ A 1 player minigame will start where you can double, triple your coins or ministars, or lose them all
Item Space/ Get a chance for an item or an orb
Toad Space/ Toad will come out and help you
Bonus Space/ You will go to the bonus route which involves a mission- if you success, you will get a nice bonus!
Mission Space/ A Mission which is like Captain Event(Mission is actually its French name) starts, where you can get/lose ministars
There are only three mission spaces in the board, it is activated by passing on it, and you are forced to stop when you pass it
Boss Battle Space/ A Mini-Boss Battle will start, where you can get ministars by your placing
There are only two Boss Battle spaces in the board, it is activated by passing on it, and you are forced to stop when you pass it\
Item Shop: Buy an item- the items and the prize will differ by your placing
Lottery Shop: Participate in a lottery- you can win stars, mini-stars, items, or huge pile of nothing.
You get a Lotto Ticket and Powerball Ticket when you land here. Only on DAY
Boo House: Steal opponent's coins or stars by Boo Only on NIGHT
Toad House: Toad will give you a bonus, by participating in a game with him Only on DAY
Koopa Kid House: Koopa will hinder you, by stealing your things Only on NIGHT
Ministar Trading Post: Trade coins with ministars, or vice versa (2 coins=1 mini-star) You can also buy a Shine Sprite which stands for 20 ministars, which can be bought for 20 coins.
Fast Block: Roll up to 20: 5 coins
Slow Block: Roll up to 5: 5 coins
Back Block: Go Reverse: 5 coins
Sluggish Block: Choose your roll: 5 coins
Mobile Phone: Call an item shop, lottery shop, Toad House, Koopa Kid House, or Ministar Trading Post and activate its effects/ Day/Night is ignored in this item: 5 coins
Warp Pipe: Switch Places with someone: 5 coins
Card Key: Take a path which is blocked: 10 coins (The reason why its prize increased is it is much more useful now)
Faster Block: Roll up to 30: 10 coins
Bob-omb: Make Bob-omb blow up at your face and start a battle minigame: 10 coins
Dueling Glove: Duel with someone: 10 coins
Gaddlight: Protect Boo attacks: 10 coins
Snag Bag: Take opponent's item: 10 coins
Metal Cap: Protect yourself from Mini-ztars and Roadblocks: 10 coins
Green Shell: Take 20 coins from everyone you passed: 10 coins
Sleepy Sheep: Make one player rest for 1 turn: 10 coins
Boo's Crystal Ball: Call Boo- does the same as the Boo House (Both usable at Day and Night): 15 coins
Mach Bike: Roll a fast block for 3 turns: 15 coins
Fire Flower: Used for 3 turns- anyone you pass will have to give 10 coins to you: 15 coins
Ice Flower: Used for 3 turns- anyone you pass will be frozen and can't make their move: 15 coins
Lucky Coin: Get 3 coins when you pass each space: 15 coins
Day Night Clock: Day switches to Night, and vice versa after that person's turn: 15 coins
Assist Trophy: Does something end of the turn: 15 coins
Miniztar Pack: Makes an opponent lose 20 ministars: 20 coins
Retry Clock: Make 2 turns at once: 20 coins
Wing Cap: Warp to any space- but you won't roll: 25 coins
Red Shell: Take 20 ministars from everyone you passed: 25 coins
Hammer Suit: Used for 3 turns- anyone you pass will have to give 10 ministars to you: 25 coins
Item Bag: 3 different items for you to use: 30 coins
5 coin discount (2 for 5 coin items) will occur when a shopper is in 7th or 8th.
Orbs (Character Spaces)
Poison Mushroom Orb: The victim will not perform the next turn: 5 coins
Hammer Bro. Orb: The victim will lose 10 coins, and it will go to the owner: 10 coins
Rocket Nozzle Orb: The victim gets blasted away to Start Space: 10 coins
Lighting Orb: The victim will get his all of the items and his orbs DESTROYED: 10 coins
Team Attack Orb: The victim will lose 6, 18, 30, or 60 coins, and those coins will be splitted with the opponents: 15 coins
Vaccum Orb: All the others will lose 1, 3, 5, or 10 coins each, and those coins will go to the owner: 15 coins
Piranha Plant Orb: The victim will lose half of his coins, and those coins will go to the owner: 15 coins
Kamek Orb: The victim will lose 1-3 character spaces, and those spaces will go to the owner: 15 coins
Boo Orb: The victim will lose 20 mini-stars or up to 50 coins, and those coins will go to the owner: 20 coins
Ztar Package Orb: The victim will lose 10-30 mini-stars, which is all random: 20 coins
Dynamite Orb: The victim will lose half of his mini-stars, which will go to the owner: 30 coins
Orbs: Roadblock
Spiny Orb: The victim will lose 10 coins: 10 coins
Thwomp Orb: The victim will stop moving: 10 coins
Cataquack Orb: The victim is send to a random space: 10 coins
Assist Trophy Orb: The victim will activate the Assist Trophy: 10 coins
Amp Orb: The victim loses 3 coins per space: 15 coins
Whomp Orb: The victim will stop moving, and lose 10 coins: 15 coins
Bomb Orb: The victim will lose half of his coins: 15 coins
Toady Orb: The victim will lose one of his items/orbs: 15 coins
Miniztar Pickup Orb: The victim will lose 20 mini-stars: 20 coins
Chain Chomp Orb: The victim will lose half of his mini-stars: 30 coins
Last 5 Turns Event:
1. A lottery drawing will occur- they will bet for a ticket recieved from Lottery Shop.
First, Lotto will start, then Powerball Starts. Lotto has 1-8, Powerball has 1-4.
In Lotto, the winners will get a pot of 30 Mini-stars, which can be split.
In Powerball, the winners will get a pot of 30 coins, which can be split.
2. People who are in 5th-8th will get a bonus- that can be coins, mini-stars, items, or happening.
3. One of this events will occur-
Bowser's Rage: All the Red Spaces will turn to Bowser Spaces.
Coin/Mini-Star Multiplier: You will get 9 coins and 3 mini-stars when you land on blue spaces, and vice versa
Minigame Bonus: You will get double the amounts of bonus in minigames
Mini Star Spreadout: There are going to be lots of ministars spread out in the board
Trade Sale: In Trading Post- you now only need to pay 1 coin for 1 mini-star/ shine sprites now only cost 10 coins
Double Damage: All the attacks will now do double damage
Boss Frenzy: 2 Boss Spaces are added
Bowser Event:
Single Player Bowser Minigame: If you fail this minigame, you will lose 10 coins, 20 coins, 30 coins, all the items, or 20 mini-stars.
Multi Player Bowser Minigame: Same as above, but it is multiplayer, and only one player will lose.
Bowser Revolution: All the coins will be equalized
Bowser Shuffle: Bowser will switch everybody's places
Fawful's Appearance: Good News- Bowser is gone. Bad News- Fawful will steal either 10-30 coins, all the items, or 20 mini-stars.
Toad's Bonus Event:
Single Player Bonus Minigame: If you win this minigame, you will get 10 coins, 20 coins, 30 coins, or 20 mini-stars.
Multi Player Bonus Minigame: Same as above, but it is multiplayer, and the top 3 gets the prize.
Toad's Item Giveaway: Toad will give you some items to help you
Coin Bonus: Toad will give you 10 coins, 20 coins, 30 coins, or 20 mini-stars.
Bonus Mini-Stars (They are all worth 20 mini-stars)
Minigame Star: The player who earns the most coins/mini-stars in minigames wins this star
Coin Star: The player who has the MAX amount of coins wins this star
Shine Sprite Star:The player who buys the most Shines wins this star
Item Star: The player who used the most items gets this star
Unlucky Star: The player who loses most ministars/coins/items gets this star
Happening Star: The player who landed on the most happening spaces gets this star
After those stars are awarded- the FINAL Boss minigame will start, which can be a game changer
Final Boss minigames are exclusive for each board, so they won't be listed
Confirmed Minigames by Sneak Peak:
Hurt or Heal: Try to hurt or heal your opponents to survive!
Mini Monopoly: Build houses, motels, or hotels in order to get lots of money!
Bob-omb Flip: Remake of Voltorb Flip- get lots of coins, but don't get bombed out!
Plunder Ground: Watch the Monty Moles, and try to get the most jewels!
Panel Panic: Try not to fall down the abyss, by surviving on panels!
Caption It: Try to caption the photo that is given to you!
Right or Wrong: Use your 6th sense to defy the 2 players' actions!
Hide and go Boom: Don't get blasted off by the cannon!
Fight Cards: Outsmart your opponents by attacking by signs!
Weigh it Up: Put objects on the weight scale, and make it heavy! However, don't make it overflow!
Whomp Stomp: Don't get squashed by that Whomp!
Dry Bones' Card Battle: Defeat Dry Bones by numbered cards!
The scrapped ideas
Bowser Time: Day Night System was pushed over this.
Stars: 30 mini-stars would have automatically turned into 1 star, but stars are removed.
Removal of 4 vs 4 Minigames: They were scheduled to be removed, but it was brought back, after I thinking about Weight it Up
3C=1MS: You needed 3 coins for one ministar but now you only need two coins for one
Health System and Partners: Partners damage your opponents and steals some stuffs- but it is scrapped due to lack of my thinking. I don't even want to copy Topper's one
You Lose Shine When Attacked: You automatically lose a Shine(20 coins) when you are attacked by any way before, but now it changed
If you think some of these above ideas need a comeback, contact me.
You are free to give me criticsm, since I am still planning this game
Thanks to:
Dark Boo for deciding the Three Turn Cycle ;D
Y222 and VSM for thinking me of early reservations