Mario Party + RPG Planning Page

There are 4 things that can happen when you attack.
-Critical: Doubles the amount of damage. Determinded by the Critical %.
-Advance: 150% the amount of damage. 35% of chance, if Critical Fails.
-Normal: Just attack. 60% of chance, if Critical Fails.
-Miss: 0% amount of damage. 5% of chance, if Critical Fails.
I have planned EXP gaining as this... you can never lose EXP, though. Levelling down is just wrong. :p

Landing on Blue: +1
Landing on your Character Space: +3
Other player landing on your Character Space: +3
Landing on EXP Space: +3 to +10

Winning a Minigame: +5
Winning a Lucky Minigame: +10 or +15

I still have to make this. Help!

A player will level up when their EXP reaches a determinded value.
1: 0
2: 10
3: 25
4: 45
5: 60

So, it goes on like 10, 15, 20, 25, and so on.
Enemy Encounters-
There will be 1/2 enemies moving around the board, which can roll.
Attack them for a first strike, and try not to get attacked!
If you can defeat it in 3 turns, you will recieve a sweet prize.

Some Status Effects-
They can be gotten by Enemy Attacks, SP Attacks, or Items.

Poison: Lose some HP per turn
Confused: Sometimes attack himself or partner
Injured: Can't Move
SP Blocked: Only Normal Attacks can be used
Can't Concerntrate: Accuracy lowered
I would like to hear your opinions about something about Mario Party + RPG Project.
I said before in the thread that each characters have different ranks for each stats,
A meaning high, B meaning normal, C meaning low.
And those ranks have different stats.

A: 20
B: 15
C: 10
Level up goes by 5

A: 15%
B: 10%
C: 5%
Level up goes by 5%

-Max HP-
A: 300
B: 250
C: 200
Level up goes by 20

-Max SP-
A: 150
B: 130
C: 110
Level up goes by 20

-Critical Rate-
A: 70
B: 60
C: 50
Level up goes by 10

A: 70
B: 60
C: 50
Level up goes by 10

But as I think of, players who have some minor stats, like Critical Rate, and Speed, have some kind of disadvantage.
So, I think there should be a bit some changes to these default stat amounts- how do you think I should change them?
As for me, I think I should increase Speed and Critical Rate's Stats.
Also, I am going to raise HP and SP as well.

Edit: Or I might make every characters move at the same time, instead
Since nobody gave their opinions, I will just decide to make everybody move at the same time.
I decided to make Critical stay, though.
That means, we will get rid of boots.
So, the rank system will be changed to 2 As, 1 B, and 2 Cs.
You can oppose to this opinon if you don't want to, though. :)
To Do List
-Battle EXP Payouts
-Battle Items-
Accuracy Down Token- Give 1 enemy a stat of 'Accuracy Down'
SP Block Token- Give 1 enemy a stat of 'SP Blocked'
Minus HP Token- Give 1 enemy a stat of '-HP'
Confusion Token- Give 1 enemy a stat of Confusion
Can't Move Token- Give 1 enemy a stat of 'Can't Move'
Bottle Rocket- Give 1 enemy a small damage
Lazer Gun- Give 1 enemy an average damage
Heavy Bomb- Give 1 enemy a large damage
Multi Rocket- Give all enemies a small damage
Lightning Bolt- Give all enemies an average damage
Negative Power- Give all enemies a large damage
My doppleganger- You will create your Doppleganger, which will take damages instead of you until it breaks
Your doppleganger- You will create a doppleganger of one of your enemies- you can attack with your enemy's attacks and items
Mystery- Anything can happen