Luigi Party's Usernames (Suggestions Accepted)

Luigi Party!: Just my standard name. It was my 1st, 3rd, and my 13th username. Well, nothing unlucky about that!
Luigi Party! (a.k.a. Fawful): I suddenly became a Fawful fan, so this happened. It was my 2nd, 4th, and my 7th username.
Luigi Party! (a.k.a. Pokeaddict): I suddenly got addicted to Pokemon, so this happened. It is my 5th username.
Luigi Party! (a.k.a. Wobbuffet): I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE THIS POKEMON SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!! It's my 6th username.
Luigi Party! (a.k.a. Kumatora): Kumatora is problably my favorite character in Mother games! It is my 8th username.
Luigi Party! (a.k.a. Mewtwo): In tribute to my 2nd favorite Pokemon, it's my 9th username.
LuigiParty.exe: This is the only username of mine which doesn't have a.k.a. on it, other than my standard one. It's my 10th username.
Wobbuffet.exe: In tribute to my favorite pokemon, and a .exe styled username, here is my 11th username!
Kumatora.exe: KUMATORA FTW. It's my 12th username.
Luigi Party! (a.k.a. Jolene): In tribute for one of the cutest girls ever!
Kitsune Luigi Party!: I love Kitsune Luigi.
Luigi Party! (a.k.a. Sunflower): Sunflower- 1! 2! 3! There's a zombie on your lawn~
Luigi Party! (Uhh... and... Yoshi): Why did I make this username?
Yoshi Party! (Sorry, Luigi...): Partial Swap with Yoshiman222! I'm YP now.
Luigi Party! (gets smacked a lot): Best Username Ever...
Polar Party! (a.k.a Skank): Swap with Polar! I'm PP now.
Luigi Party! (a.k.a Oshawott): Oshawott!
Luigi Party Sez....: A Parody of Sonic Sez... Uh, Sonic Says.
LuigiParty.bat: What? You guys think I can't be a batch file? Wrong!
Aquatic Luigi Party!: LP really likes water and swimming. LP likes the color Aqua. (Though not much as green, but oh well...)
Luigi Party! (a.k.a Ninten) Not Nintendo, Ninten from Mother.
Gogogogreg said:
Luigi Party! (gets smacked a lot) said:
Luigiman222 said:
Yoshi Party! (Sorry said:
Yoshi Party! (Sorry, Luigi...): Partial Swap with Yoshiman222! I'm YP now. :p
That's my new favorite! Cost me becoming Luigiman for a bit... but...
...wait a minuet... I like Luigi...

YEAH!!! ;D
Hmm, who should I swap with next? :p
Hopefully no Luigi Party! a.k.a Greg :p
That would be just a nono :p