Luigi Party's Diary: March 2012

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March 13th, 2012
Today was a really happy day for me. I finally achieved 250 posts, and got to have a blog!  ;D I hope I can do many great things in this blog.
I am currently joining lots of events in this forum, like Blue Toad's Mario Kart Wii Party/Mario Party Velocity, Slacker's Mario Party Mafia Reloaded, and more events. I hope Joker's Mario Party Clue starts, and Yoshi8984's Mario Party Eclipse resumes after a long delay! :)

I got discouraged, when I saw that Game Informer only rated Mario Party 9 5.875/10. (Or whatever) Also, I didn't even know that there were lots of complaints of Mario Party 9, like the lack of classic mode, and some luck-based boards. (No offense to anyone. :)) Still, I was pleased with IGN(7 out of 10)'s and My Nintendo News(8.75 out of 10)'s review, since they didn't rate that game that low.  :)

I really hope that I can stay in this site active, and try not to stay inactive. And also, I still have to plan Mario Party Teamwork a lot- I have to plan more items, and figure out how to make good Mario Party Boards!  ;D
Marth 14th, 2012
We did lots of role-playing today, with Blue Toad (as Toad), Yoshiman222(As bowser), Toadette(As Toadette herself), and I was role-playing as either Luigi or Fawful. I suddenly wanted to change my username to 'Luigi Party! (a.k.a. Fawful)' for no reason- still, I am currently a big fan of Fawful as I am a big fan of Luigi.

I uploaded an article called 'Why do I hate schools?', which explains why do I hate schools, as in title. H-J was curious if I had week-end classes or not, too! Also, I started my blog poll today. It was really nice for already 2 people to vote- I hope lots of people vote in my pole! :)
March 15th, 2012
There was a voting for School President in my school today. (School President is like the Prefect/ Head Boy) Even though I dislike schools, Votings are one of the things I liked in schools.  ;D Voting lasts very quick like 1 mini-second while a class lasts like 100 centuries.  ;D

I didn't do much on this forum today- and I missed Blue Toad's Blue Channel because of my institute schedule! :( I hope I can watch it next time, or I will be mad. :mad:
March 16th, 2012
I didn't do anything much today. Though I uploaded my new blog poll, which is about my signature. I really liked that now there are 4 users voting- that is a huge step from just 2.  ;D

And tomorrow is Satuarday! I will be able to post more MPT ideas(comeonwhyisnoonepostinginthatthread) and role-play/chat with other users. I hope Satuarday comes soon and I get to post on this forum more....

I am really addicted in this forum- I hope I don't get TOO MUCH addicted!!!
By the way, I have 2 types of diaries- first is the REAL diary and second is the FAKE diary. This is the real one, while the one I need to do for my school homework is the fake one. I always write fake things there.  ;D

EDIT: Something major happened in this forum while I was studying in my institute. I think it was about autism....
March 17th, 2012
Again, didn't do much today.
I really got jealous of Y222 as he got to play MP9 with his 2 brothers and his older brother's friend! I do need to befriend nintendo fans to play Mario Party with them.
And finally, I figured out the SMG Fire Flower/ Ice Flower music, due to Y222 and Vip. :)
Luigi Party! (a.k.a. Fawful) said:
March 17th, 2012
Again, didn't do much today.
I really got jealous of Y222 as he got to play MP9 with his 3 brothers! I do need to befriend nintendo fans to play Mario Party with them.
And finally, I figured out the SMG Fire Flower/ Ice Flower music, due to Y222 and Vip. :)
I don't have 3 brothers - that 2 brothers and my older brother's friend... just to make that clear.
Yoshiman222 said:
Luigi Party! (a.k.a. Fawful) said:
March 17th, 2012
Again, didn't do much today.
I really got jealous of Y222 as he got to play MP9 with his 3 brothers! I do need to befriend nintendo fans to play Mario Party with them.
And finally, I figured out the SMG Fire Flower/ Ice Flower music, due to Y222 and Vip. :)
I don't have 3 brothers - that 2 brothers and my older brother's friend... just to make that clear.
Oops! I forgot that! I am editting my diary right now.  ;D
March 18th, 2012.
I just lost to Blue Toad in Count to (Insert Number Here), since I was tired of waiting and sacrificed myself!  :mad: Why did I do that? That was a dumb move. I want to use a time machine right now.

Anyway, no role-plays today- but I am still unhappy since tomorrow is Monday. Monday has roughest schedule for me- that is why hate Mondays. Oh well.  ;D
Luigi Party! (a.k.a. Fawful) said:
I just lost to Blue Toad in Count to (Insert Number Here), since I was tired of waiting and sacrificed myself!  :mad: Why did I do that? That was a dumb move. I want to use a time machine right now.

I was laughing a lot when I read this, I was even thinking that you were going to write this down here, and I was right!! I even defeated VIP there! Not just you... :p
March 20th, 2012 (Vernal Equinox)
I never knowed about Vernal Equniox before. I thought it was someone's username! But I was wrong- it was when night and day are almost at the same time. :p Thanks to wikipedia for showing me what Vernal Equinox is!

And I adjusted the rules of MPT to make it more mini-star based. The game got rid of stars- and there were more adjustments given to the game, such as Shine Sprites and new Bowser Space Events.  :) I hope I can make great boards like Dark Boo, SpiderStaryu, Blue Toad, and Morteriser, etc.
March 22nd, 2012
Today was one of my better days at school- I brought my Uno Attack and had a lot of fun.
Anyway, nothing really much- but MKDXMPDX is going to delayed again due to different schedules...

EDIT: WHAT WAS I EVEN THINKING? It is not Mario Kart Deluxe, it is Mario Party Deluxe, you stupid Luigi Party!
I like to critizise myself.
March 23rd, 2012
TGIF. (Thank god it's friday) Now I can finally sit down on my chair and forum here rest for my life.
Well, it was an unusual intro, right? Let's get to the main point.
Yoshiman222, one of my buddies asked me to put him into the early reservation list of Mario Party Teamwork- I gladly accepted him, and I officially started my early reservation of MPT. Oh yay!
Why is my diary getting shorter and shorter?  :what: I do really have to do more things.
Finally, I am using Arial and Green on every posts, unless it is a Forum Game.
Especially count to (insert number here), where Blue Toad, VIP, or Y222 always steals my number.
31GHT B1T S3RVANT said:
What sort of CHinese test was it?
It has 2 parts- Listening and Reading.
Both parts has True or False(You need to identify the picture, hear the sentence, and figure out if the sentence corresponds to the given picture), Identifying the Picture (Simmilar to above but now there are 6 answers you can choose), and responding someone's sentence(Choose the most fitting response. You won't say 你好 when someone says 谢谢 to you).
There is another section of Identifying the Picture in Listening, but now, there are seperate answers of three. (The other one didn't have seperate answers.)
Finally, fill the blanks is exclusive to Reading.
For more information, search YCT on google or check out :)
There are 4 levels in that test- I am currently taking the second hardest easiest level. The harder levels includes more things to do.
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