
Ooooooooooooooooooooooooh boy Lent in 2010 was a living hell... Don't get me started on all the drama that happened that year. This was around the time Aegis VS Charizard took place and the whole "The forum is polluted1!!!!!!!!!111!!! :(". It's also known as the time where we got many "annoying" new members.
Simisear said:
Simisage said:
Hey; Me, Daisy, Maria, and Kinetic were some of those users who joined around Lent. :p When I first saw those members like Q, I was very confused.
implying Maria was any contribution to this forum.
All I remember her for was lying about her records in a Mario Party game (someone else did too which is stupid cause its mario party) and deleting her fan fic which was like pictures cause she couldn't take constructive criticism. :p
Simisage said:
She was 16, if I'm not mistaken. I actually thought she was alright, not really much to say. Though she should of took that constructive critisim on that topic, I felt bad when she removed it all, she had a lot of pages in there.

Also; remember that post "Doesnt bitch mean spy?" lol
For real I felt kinda bad for her cause she deleted this big ass topic. :p