I would just like to say...

I'm a pretty awesome girlfriend.

All last week (on my spring break, when I could sleep in, nonetheless) I woke up at 5:15 am just so I could stay at my boyfriend's (he has an aversion to sleeping alone) because he had to work at 6:30 am. Now he's on mids & working 11:30 am to 11:30 pm so I've been making a half hour drive out to his place after midnight every night.

Plus I made him a sammich last night.

There are other reasons too, but I won't mention them. Hunt knows though =P
Feminists would be so disappointed in me, I just go with the sexism =P

Like my boyfriend jokes that my job is to warm his bed & once when he wouldn't make a decision on what we should do that night I said "You're the decision maker, I'm the bed warmer" & he was just like "That just sounds so sexist" lol

But as I've told Hunt, imo, you should be willing to do stuff like that for your significant other. Men should too, but just in different ways.

The last thing I want to be is a bitchy 40 year old woman who never has sex with her husband, gets pissed when he wants to have a beer & won't do something simple like make him breakfast occasionally.
I figure he always pays for stuff so the sammich & other little things like that are just doing the same for him. He has made me dinner twice though, which I haven't done for him mostly because I live with my parents & we're never at my house or if we are my family always is & it's not like I'm gonna make them dinner to =P

And I enjoy the bed warming so that's not all for him =P. I just dislike driving out there at midnight or having to wake up super early.
Daisy_Kisaragi said:
Giiirl, You better let him get all up in yo Cookaa

Come again? lol

I keep picturing someone actually saying this in a Snooki voice & its amusing the hell out of me =P

Anyways, I'm also a pretty awesome girlfriend because I always sleep next to the wall, so I wake up several times a night because I roll into it or hit my head on it. This is kind of a necessity though, he has a shitty futon that has more weight on one side than the other so if he lays on the lighter side, the bed flips. Last night we almost flipped it over completely until we realized what was happening lol
AegisReflector said:
Carpet-eaters, eh?

Plural? I'm not a carpet eater lol.

Also, its not 1975, nobody has carpeting anymore =P

I must say though, it really sucks going from sleeping in a bed with someone to sleeping alone. Last night was the first night I slept alone in about 2 weeks & it just wasn't the same. Now that my boyfriend is on nights & works 7:30 pm to 7:30 am though that will be the norm for the next week.