How would you compare this to other NSMB games?

Just based off the videos I've watched of 2, and my play experiences of 1 (haven't touched Wii tbh, besides watching a little bit of it and maybe a demo), I can definitely put 2 above 1, as SZ said it does it better. The game feels like it was made for the 3DS, the control feels smoother, the diversity of levels feels less forced, and the little touches they have make it feel just... better. =P Even the fact that there's the coin gimmick doesn't detract from the whole experience. (But going for the five stars... =P)
1. New Super Mario Bros. 2 - Really having fun with it so far, level design is fantastic imo and unlike SM3DL star coins are hidden pretty fairly well.
2. New Super Mario Bros. - Wii, may be better, but this was my third DS game and I played the crap out of it. :p Probably nostalgia that puts it up so high.
3. New Super Mario Bros. Wii - it was fun and all, but the levels kind of sucked and the propeller hat made it very easy. I haven't even beaten World 9 yet.