How Not To Be An Annoying Customer

It's almost been 6 months since I started working as a cashier at a grocery store & I thought I'd share some tips on how to make cashiers not hate you when you come through their line.

1. Don’t throw your receipt on the register
If you don’t want your receipt, just tell me. I’d be more than happy to throw it in the garbage. Or hell, maybe you could even throw it away yourself. But if you take the receipt from me, then drop it on the register, I will want to beat the living shit out of you for being a really rude dickhead.

2. Do not complain to me about anything.
This includes but isn’t limited to the prices, the temperature in the store, products being out of stock and how it took you forever to get your bologna from the deli. Not only do I not care at all, but do you really think a cashier making $8/hr has any control over any of those things? Most likely, I’ll say something like “Oh, yeah, I’ll make sure I tell the manager about that” but unless you’re complaining about a fire on aisle 6, there’s a 99% chance I won’t tell anyone. And if you’re complaining about something really stupid (yeah, I’m talking to you, guy who said he was never coming back because the store was too cold), I’ll just ignore you all together. I won’t even acknowledge your complaint.

3. Grocery stores do not sell rolling papers.
So stop asking.

4. If you don’t want something, tell me.
I know it can be really hard committing to buy a box of Ritz crackers or some frozen pizza rolls. So I understand if when you get to the register you find that you just can’t bring yourself to make the purchase. But instead of shoving a carton of ice cream somewhere where it won’t be found for another 5 hours after it’s melted all over the place, just give it to me.

5. If the light is on, the register is open. If it’s off, it’s not.
It blows my mind that people can’t figure out the whole register light system yet can figure out traffic lights.  If the light for my register is on, do not ask me if I’m open. And if it’s off, you better not get in my line.

6. Don't Let Your Kid Slobber on Stuff
Nobody but you wants to touch a box of cookies that your kid has been chewing on. If you absolutely can't figure out how to keep your kid from gnawing on things, then use a paper towel to cover the slobbery parts or something before you hand the item to me.

7. Figure Stuff Out Before You Get to the Checkout
For example, if you aren't aware of what item this week's mystery penny coupon is for, ask someone when you first get into the store. Don't wait until I've rung up all your other shit to ask, then decide you whatever the item is & that I should go get it for you, making everyone behind you wait.

8. Read
Reading is always a good idea. Try reading the signs to make sure that what you're buying is on sale. As confusing as it may seem, just because 22 oz. boxes of original Cheerios are on sale doesn't mean that the 18 oz. box of frosted Cheerios you picked out is. And don't be one of those jackasses who makes a bagger run back and double check the sign you didn't read in the first place. Because then everyone will hate you.

There are so many more that I just can't think of right now. But it all pretty much boils down to don't be an idiot and I won't want to beat the shit out of you.
1. I don't do that because I reread it over
2. I will complain about somethings but not the stupid s*** where you can't even deduce an answer
3. ROFLMAO Who doesn't know that!?
4. Of course
5. Many grocery store I go to, the light be off and it still be open due to the fact that the light blew out ROFL
6. I'm 100% with you on this because these parents; not all parents, let their children do what they want to do and let their kids pick out stuff and open something. It couldn't be my child because I'll smack the s*** out of them and they woulda known not to do something like that
7. Hell yea!!!! My mom does that and I can't stand it. She always say "Oh I forgot this" and I be like "No s*** Sherlock"
8. Praise the Lord!!!!! Someone say it again!!!!!!! I agree 1000000000000000000000000000% PEOPLE DO NOT READ THE DAMN SALE SIGN. If 32 oz is on sale, why do you buy the 64 oz and then complain oh that's on sale. B**** it said 32 oz can you read and they get mad because of that and say oh it's the same thing. B**** no it's not hte same thing. I can agree with this one so many times because I see people do this alot of time thank God my momma reads the sale tags

I commit to only #2 at times
All the others are common sense and people who shop have to know that doing some of these is really annoying and it shows how dumb one can be. And about the rolling paper, who were the dumna**** who literally asked that question!? Now that's a shame to the fullest extent

Did I OD on some parts?
Nah, I noticed it after it actually posted too Cook.

And yeah, I've had at least 3 people ask if we sold rolling papers. Oh, and I had an old man (who had bitched about several things to me already) get pissed because we didn't sell DVDs, even though there was a Blockbuster Express machine right there. He also got mad that JellyBelly jellybeans were so expensive & then he spilled cat food all over the place & waited 20 minutes to tell someone.
1. I might say something that went wrong, then they normally fix it. Unless they say "Not my problem." or something along those lines, I'll just leave it there.

2. OMFG, agreed. Occasionally, if someone's blowing up at a cashier, I'll tell 'em, "Are you going to buy something, or are you just going to sit here and make me wait for 2 hours?" Then theyjust shut up and let the cashiers do their job. I mean, come on, man, just use f*cking self service. Goddamn.

3. I don't bother with rolling papers.

4. I might not have enough money, so I'll quickly duck back and put something back on the shelves, if I misread something.

5. Just put up a sign saying "This register is closed, please use another."

6. If they slobber/chew on it, I'll apologise. I might even give you some gloves.

7. I hate this. I'll be waiting for 20 minutes (Mainly reading some of the comics I'm buying) and they still haven't figured it out yet. I once missed a b-ball game because of that.

8. I always read the sale signs, but I might misread something and/or doesn't have the price tag.

NB: This is what I'd be like if I was an adult. However, the last statement in 7 is true.
To clarify, if there's a legit problem then go ahead and let me know. Like if there's a spill somewhere or something. But I'm not in charge of the A/C or stocking or anything like that so complaining about that stuff to me is pointless. Just go straight to customer service, they'll deal with it.

And we do have closed signs that pull out from the register but sometimes it doesn't make sense to use them if we're just closing for a minute. Plus, even when they are pulled out, lots of people still ask if the register is open. Because they're stupid.
Amatatomba said:
Nah, I noticed it after it actually posted too Cook.

And yeah, I've had at least 3 people ask if we sold rolling papers. Oh, and I had an old man (who had B****ed about several things to me already) get pissed because we didn't sell DVDs, even though there was a Blockbuster Express machine right there. He also got mad that JellyBelly jellybeans were so expensive & then he spilled cat food all over the place & waited 20 minutes to tell someone.

Now that's just being an old cranky b****. Just doing that to cause a damn scene. Gah!!! I hate when people act dumb and don't think then want to act like a damn fool.
9. Do not throw gum or cigarette buds into the "Leave a penny take a penny" bowl.