The final DLC Pack is coming to North America tomorrow. The two packs are called Mystery Adventures Pack and Impossible Pack, at $2.50 each.
New Super Mario Bros. 2 - Impossible and Mystery Adventures DLC Trailer
The Mystery Adventure Pack has secret routes and holds many secrets for you to find. However, for the Impossible Pack, well, as the name says, it's like, impossible. Brutal, even. Can you beat this pack? The difficulty for this pack is rated: DANGER! I'm glad that Nintendo has brought out the most brutal pack ever to New Super Mario Bros. 2. I don't think I'll ever pass the Impossible Pack.
New Super Mario Bros. 2 - Impossible and Mystery Adventures DLC Trailer
The Mystery Adventure Pack has secret routes and holds many secrets for you to find. However, for the Impossible Pack, well, as the name says, it's like, impossible. Brutal, even. Can you beat this pack? The difficulty for this pack is rated: DANGER! I'm glad that Nintendo has brought out the most brutal pack ever to New Super Mario Bros. 2. I don't think I'll ever pass the Impossible Pack.