Everything I Do Ever [March edition!]

Stealing this idea from I think it was Daisy? idk.

Anyways, I will start with yesterday...

March 22, 2011
Woke up at 9:30-ish at my boyfriend's. Went to my bio lab which was only an hour long instead of the usual 2-3 hours. Then went home & had to go to Lowe's with my pap to buy a sink. Then drove over to my boyfriend's in rush hour & we went to Panera. Then we wasted time walking around the nearby outlet mall & getting Starbucks. We went back to his place & watched Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels. It was pretty good from what I saw, but I was really tired and was half asleep for part of the beginning so I was a little confused =P. Then we just laid around in bed until I went home at 1:30 am.
AegisReflector said:
You skipped the Roleplaying part.

We don't get into that kinky shit

March 23, 2011
Woke up with the worst migraine ever, took a shower, went back to sleep. Woke up at 12:08, meaning I missed my first 2 classes & only had 12 minutes to get ready for my 3rd class (which I had to go to to take a quiz). Went to class, took the quiz & decided to skip my last class so I could get some stuff done before I went over to Jimmy's. Ended up with a flat tire on my way back to Mt. Pleasant so I had to stop at a gas station & wait for AAA to come put the donut on. Then I went to get a new tire which took forever so by the time it was done & I was on my way to Jimmy's, I was hitting traffic. We just hung out for a couple hours until he had to go to work. Then I came home & ate dinner (Spaghetti!). Now I'm bored as hell & still have a headache. Probably gonna play some RE5 or mess with my Mac in a little bit.
March 24
Woke up at like 8:30 to my mom telling me I had to take my brother's work pants to him at school before I went to work at 12. Actually wake up around 10, get ready & leave at 11:30 so I have time to drop by his school before work. Right when I get in my car I notice a voicemail from work. Apparently I was supposed to work at 11, not 12. For whatever reason I got in my head that I worked 12-7 instead of 11-7:30. So I rush to work which is pretty uneventful besides the power going out for a while. Come home, go to 5 Guys with my grandma, come home & waste the rest of the night doing nothing

March 25
Woke up at 8 to my boyfriend texting me. Text him for a while and then at 9:15 tell him I should go get a shower & he needs to go to bed (he's working nights, gets off work at 7:30 am). But I decide to close my eyes for a little while longer. Next thing I know, its 9:55. I have to leave the house by 10:20 to get to class on time & I still needed a shower. So I was like fuck it, took a long shower, made myself eggs & bacon and skipped my first class. As always school was uneventful. Besides my bio teacher showing us a video of slug sex. That was pretty interesting. Anyways, then I went straight from school to my boyfriends until he had to leave for work at 6:45. Came home, ate dinner then went to Publix (where I work) to pick up some stuff. Spent a while talking to my friend Jamaal in the parking lot until I decided to come home & have a brownie sundae. Now I'm just savoring my last hours of tonight because I babysit tomorrow through Sunday afternoon. I'm basically just counting down the days until Wednesday though.