Ask Me Something

DeadlyxImpulse said:
1. When are you planning on buying a Wii U?

2. Which system do you prefer, Xbox 360 or PS3?

3. All time favorite Nintendo game?

1. I've had one since day one lol.

2. Xbox 360 since it's the only one I own, although I want a PS3.

3. Gah such a hard question since they have so many games I love I seriously don't think I could choose one. :p

If I had to pick now I'd say Fire Emblem Awakening, although if I thought a lot harder about I'm sure I'd pick something different.
The Shattered Legacy said:
Favorite three online multiplayer Nintendo games?

My home WiFi doesn't seem compatiable with many of Nintendo's online games, not sure if it's a server issue or w/e but Mario Kart 7, KI Uprising, and such don't connect online. :C

But strangely 3rd party games do lol.

I haven't played much of online on my Wii or WiiU but on my 3DS I'd have to say my top 3 played games in the online mode is Sonic Generations, Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition, and Resident Evil Revelations.

Although I've played Mario Kart 7 and Kid Icarus Uprising online at friend's houses and those were fun.
DeadlyxImpulse said:
1. Favorite Resident Evil game?
2. Favorite Nintendo Exclusive?
3. Your Top 3 Favorite/Preferred games genre?

1. Resident Evil 4, that game there is a masterpiece that everyone should play.
2. Let me get back to you on that.
3. Platformer,RPG, and a tie between Racing/shooter. But Platformers are definitely my favorite. Although I like all game genres in general, well anything but sports games really.