Ask Me questions, and I'll answer!

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Pikachu said:
This is the first question. HAHA.

Why'd you get a blog.
Because I felt like if I didn't have one I wouldn't fit in.
Daisy_Kisaragi said:
Are you excited for Summer?
I don't know really only 2 months of school left though.
12socc3r45 said:
How did you find this forum?
Google, Manly Party Forum was dead, and I found this place with some of the members from Manly Party Forum.
Vipsoccermaster said:
Would you be interested in racing Sonic The Hedgehog 2 again?
Sure, we'll have to do that sometime.
Takamachi Nanoha said:
Those meddling kids really know how to spoil other peoples' lives. With crimefighting.

Speaking of Scooby Doo, who of the gang do you find yourself most like character wise?

Daphne, because I'm very attractive.
12socc3r45 said:
Sports teams you're a fan of?

My high school's which I will not name, Minnesota Vikings, Minnesota Twins, and Minnesota Wild. No Timberwolves because basketball = trash.
Pikachu said:
This is the first question. HAHA.

Why'd you get a blog.
This is not the first question because there was no question asked, only a few statements.

***That's not a question either, and this is a  topic about asking me questions. So therefore you are spamming, and I'm so going to report you. :p I really feel urged to mess with your post too, but I'm probably not supposed to. :p

Cook: I was making a point, shush. :p
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