Visit Koopa

MP3 Visit Koopa

Event Type
  1. Landing Event
  2. Passing Event
  3. Before Player Turn Event
  4. Background
Input Required
Yes (Parameter)
Programming Language
MIPS (Assembly)
Playable on N64 Hardware

This is a custom event designed to mimic the "Visit Koopa" event from Mario Party 1. In the first event (Visit Koopa), Koopa will give you 10 coins upon passing (or landing, if you want). If it's the Last 5 Turns, he will give you 20 coins instead. After receiving coins, your character will play their happy voice and animation.

The parameter KoopaSpace is the space towards which the player will rotate at the start of the event. When used in conjunction with the "Model View Koopa" event, you can have the player rotate towards Koopa by setting the KoopaSpace parameter to the space that Koopa is standing on. If you don't want the player to rotate, simply delete that section of the event or drag the parameter to the current space to let the player rotate south.

Setting the parameter CountVisits to "true" will allow Koopa to count how many times players have passed by. Every 10th visit before the last 5 turns yields a bonus, an extra 10 coins which increases by 10 every 10 visits, capping at 50 coins. Note that the count uses a board RAM value (0x800CD096 to 0x800CD0A8) and should be adjusted if your board uses other board RAM events. Setting this to "false" will not require board RAM and there will be no special bonus for every 10 visits.

Additionally, by setting the parameter KoopaKard to "true", Koopa can also check if the player has Koopa Kards and exchange them for coins. The number of coins is set by the parameter KoopaKardCoins. This will remove all Koopa Kards the player has and exchange them for a cumulative bonus.

The 2nd event (Model View Koopa) actively loads a Koopa model onto the board, and avoids loading another one if one is already loaded. It includes the parameter ModelSpace, which is the blank space on which Koopa will be standing. This space must not be reachable by players, or else it may cause issues.

By setting the parameter FaceForward to "true", the Koopa model will face forward (south). If set to "false", the Koopa model will be rotated to face the space decided by the parameter FacingSpace. Remember to set FacingSpace even if FaceForward is set to "true" (in that case, you can just set FacingSpace to any space, such as the ModelSpace again).

The recommended usage of this event is "Before Player's Turn" (before each player's turn); this allows it to reload Koopa as soon as possible if the model is unloaded due to circumstances such as items (Dueling Glove, Bowser Phone, etc.), minigames, or Chance Time. This is done by the event checking the null pointer, which will indicate if the model is already loaded or not, and only loading the model when the pointer reads null.

Special thanks to Airsola for providing some of the coding basis for the event, to PartyPlanner64 for providing the code for loading models and for checking the null pointer, and to Rain for documenting the model pointer information.

This event should be Everdrive-compatible. If there are any issues, do not hesitate to let me know!

Edit Log:
EDIT (v2.3):
-"Visit Koopa" now uses board RAM to count how many players have passed by and gives an extra bonus for every 10 visits before the last 5 turns, which is toggleable by the parameter "CountVisits".

EDIT (v2.2):
-The player's dice roll is now hidden during the duration of the "Visit Koopa" event, like for most in-game events.

EDIT (v2.1):
-Fixed a bug where the parameter "FaceForward" was doing the opposite of what it should.

EDIT (v2):
-Cleaned up the code.
-The Koopa model can now face towards a specific space instead of always facing forward.

EDIT (v1.1):
-Fixed a minor coding issue.
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  1. Version 2.3 Update: Bonus for Every 10th Visit!

    Now has the option to count how many times players pass Koopa and provides bonus coins for every...