Peach's Birthday Cake (MP3)

MP3 Peach's Birthday Cake (MP3)

Board Difficulty
Recommended Turns
Custom Events
Yes (Unique)
Custom Music
Playable on N64 Hardware
Space Count

Ever wanted to play on Mario Party 1 boards, but with the mechanics of Mario Party 3? Here it is, a port of Peach's Birthday Cake with all its gimmicks! Let's run through them:

Mushroom Spaces are replaced with Item Spaces, and 1P Minigame Spaces are replaced with Battle Spaces. They serve a similar function, wouldn't you say?

There's only one Star Space here, run by Toad. He even cycles through different messages each time you buy a Star!

There's also only one junction on this board, governed by the Flower Lottery. You pay Goomba 10 coins, and pick from one of four seeds. If it's a Toad Flower, you go to Toad! If it's a Bowser Flower, you go towards Bowser! Out of every four seeds, there will be one Bowser Flower. Once a seed is picked, it cannot be selected again until all four seeds have been picked. Once all seeds have been picked, a new Bowser Flower will be selected and all the seeds will become available again (of course, it could be the same seed that is the new Bowser Flower). Note: If you reverse into the Flower Lottery, you will still go in the reverse direction, no matter which junction you take.

When you pass by Bowser, you will pay 20 coins for a Bowser Cake. I wonder what happens if he were to see someone wearing a Bowser Suit...

Landing on a Happening Space allows you to purchase a Strawberry Seed for 30 coins. It turns out, these grow into Piranha Plants! Once paid for, that Happening Space belongs to you: any opponents who land on it will give you a Star! After buying one, character flags will be loaded in to help keep track of who owns which Happening Spaces.

Right as you pass Start, you'll visit Koopa Troopa, who'll give you 10 coins. For every 10th player to visit him, they'll get bonus coins!. Until it's the last five turns, then he'll always give out 20 coins. I heard he likes Koopa Kards...

Skeleton Keys and Lucky Lamps are considered illegal items. (The first is useless and the second crashes the game if used.) As a result, if you have one on your turn, it will be confiscated by the Snifit Patrol. But don't worry, they'll still compensate you!

Another event of note is the Load Models event, which allows the Koopa, Toad, Goomba, and Bowser model to be loaded whenever the board loads in, along with any character flags to show who owns which Happening Spaces.

Additionally, there are two toggleable rules for the board: the Last 5 Turns Event and a custom Bonus Star. The Last 5 Turns event activates at the end of the 6th last turn and will provide last-place with a gift: an item, coins, or, if players aren't tied for last, a miracle. The miracle will trigger one of the following new rules:
  • Blue Space Ruleset: When 4th place lands on a Blue Space, a Hidden Block is guaranteed to appear.
  • Red Space Ruleset: Landing on a Red Space now has a chance to become a Bowser, Battle, Chance Time, or Game Guy Space.
  • Bonus Star Boost: A random one of the last place player's Bonus Stars is boosted each turn: 7 for Minigame Star, 10 for Coin Star, and 1 for Happening/Flower Star.
  • Strawberry Seed Discount: Strawberry Seeds now only cost 15 coins each.
Additionally, the custom Bonus Star is the Flower Star, awarded to whoever wins the Flower Lottery the most times. Both of these features can be toggled off by setting their respective parameter in the Rules of the Board event to "false". Note that, by default from download, both rules are turned ON.

Finally, the board uses custom music - a port of its theme from MP1, made by Shadic64. The music is already included in the JSON files, but I've also attached the MIDI as a separate download in case you need it again. If you choose against using the custom music, I suggest selecting "Prologue 2" as the in-game music track.

This board should be Everdrive-compatible. I'd also like to give thanks to Airsola and Rain for assisting with coding, especially with providing assistance on using board RAM to keep track of specific values and with loading models. Special thanks also go to Spongyoshi, for his Last 5 Turns events and Rules of the Board event, and PartyPlanner64, for providing the basis for code that allows models to be actively loaded onto the board! I'd like to give a final shout-out to Shadic64 for creating the MIDI file for the Peach's Birthday Cake custom music! If you find any issues, do not hesitate to let me know! Many thanks!

Misc. notes/quirks:
-If you reverse while in Bowser's loop, you will not return to the Flower Lottery until you are moving forward again.
-The player occasionally does not properly face south after being bitten by a Piranha Plant.
-When using a Magic Lamp, the player will roll first before reaching the Star Space. If the player does not buy a Star, the Magic Genie's music will persist.
-If an error occurs when overwriting the board in PartyPlanner64, double-check that the custom music track is still present.

Edit Log:
EDIT (v4):
-Added art for the pause menu icon and results screen icon.
-Board background hook includes an Airhook which allows the "Load Models" event to be run during board load-in, so that the models are always visually loaded in during gameplay.
-Flower Lottery: Reworked code to save on board RAM. Fixed the bugs where the custom Bonus Star count would not be saved upon console reset or would persist between games.
-Last 5 Turns Event: Added Magic Lamp to and removed Lucky Charm from the possible items received, and adjusted the item odds. Now displays the players' Happening Space counts at the end of the game on their Bank Space counts.
-Load Models: Overhauled the event to load both the character models and the character flag models. Now writes a pointer into board RAM which allows the Airhook to reference the event upon board load-in.
-Rules of the Board: Adjusted some text.
-Snifit Patrol: No longer removes Magic Lamps.
-Star Space: Removed an unused parameter.
-Strawberry Seed: Reworked code to save on board RAM. No longer writes the Piranha Plant model pointer into unused font.
-Visit Koopa: Now uses board RAM to count how many times players have passed by and offers bonus coins to every 10th player.
-Added the "Magic Lamp Fix" event (credit goes to Airsola!) to allow Magic Lamps to be used.
-Added the "Remove Piranha Model" and "Revert Airhook" events for housekeeping of "Strawberry Seed" and "Load Models" events.

EDIT (v3.2):
-Last 5 Turns Event: Fixed a bug when displaying a message.

EDIT (v3.1):
-Last 5 Turns Event: Fixed a crash when stealing coins from opponents.

EDIT (v3):
-Consolidated the Vanilla and Chocolate versions of the board into one version.
-Bowser Cake: Bowser now gives 50 coins if the player is wearing a Bowser Suit.
-Last 5 Turns Event: Slightly adjusted the item odds for 4th-place.
-Rules of the Board: Changed the parameters to set the board-wide Custom Rules flag instead of toggling the event off and now recognises if the Custom Rules are on or off.
-Star Space: Fixed a bug where Toad's messages stopped cycling after displaying the last one.
-Made the following events compatible with the board-wide Custom Rules flag: "Blue Space Ruleset", "Flower Lottery", "Last 5 Turns Event", "Red Space Ruleset", and "Strawberry Seed".
-Adjusted the pathing so that players can no longer reverse into Start.

EDIT (v2.3):
-Fixed a potential merge space reverse issue.
-Last 5 Turns Event: 4th place can only receive a Star if they are in 3rd or 4th place when accounting for current Bonus Star counts.
-Red Space Ruleset: Modified to accommodate the Blue Space Ruleset.
-Strawberry Seed: No longer uses a parameter to locate the current space. Modified to accommodate the Blue Space Ruleset.
-Added the "Blue Space Ruleset" event to the possible Last 5 Turns Event miracles.

EDIT (v2.2):
-Bowser Cake: The player's dice roll is now hidden for the duration of the event.
-Flower Lottery: The player's dice roll is now hidden for the duration of the event.
-Last 5 Turns Event: The Last 5 Turns Event can now be toggled off. Receiving a Star now plays the full animation.
-Star Space: The player's dice roll is now hidden for the duration of the event. Receiving a Star now plays the full animation.
-Strawberry Seed: When losing a Star to another player, the full animation now plays before the losing player does their sad animation.
-Visit Koopa: The player's dice roll is now hidden for the duration of the event.
-Updated the Board Select Icon (credit goes to Airsola!).

EDIT (v2.1):
-Fixed the issue where reversing into Start and landing on the Item Space would cause the player to move towards Start again during their next turn.
-Flower Lottery: Already-selected seeds are now grayed out, indicating that they cannot be picked again.
-Red Space Ruleset Fix-up: Fixed a bug where a Blue Space would become a Red Space at the start of each player's turn.

EDIT (v2):
-Recreated every event from scratch to account for more optimal coding.
-Board now has both a Vanilla version and Chocolate version, with the Chocolate version incorporating the "Last 5 Turns Event", "Red Space Ruleset", and "Red Space Ruleset Fix-up".
-Bowser Cake: Restored the dialogue option when the player does not have any coins.
-Flower Lottery: Restored the dialogue option when the player has 1-9 coins. Now disables the prompt options for already-selected seeds. CPUs now always select the first available seed. Now has a Chocolate version.
-Load Models: Now incorporates code that allows models to be loaded every frame so that they never visually disappear from the board.
-Snifit Patrol: Dialogue now includes how many coins the player receives.
-Strawberry Seed: Now loads a Piranha Plant model during the event. Players now face the Piranha Plant during the event. Now has a Chocolate version.
-Added the event "Load Piranha Models" to load character flag models to indicate owned Happening Spaces and to unload Piranha Plant models from Strawberry Seed events.
-Added the event "Revert Rainhook and Reset Font" for housekeeping of "Load Models" and "Load Piranha Models" events.
-Added the event "Rules of the Board" to explain board mechanics and additions to the Chocolate version.
-Now incorporates custom music (Peach's Birthday Cake MIDI by Shadic64, soundbank 14).

EDIT (v1.2):
-Snifit Patrol: Fixed issues involving fixing up player item slots. No longer occurs when the screen is faded out.
-Strawberry Seed: Now includes sounds to represent the Piranha Plant.

EDIT (v1.1):
-Fixed minor reverse issues and cleaned up code.

Detailed Stats for Events:
Visit Koopa Coin Bonus:

Snifit Patrol Illegal Items:

Last 5 Turns Event Item Chances and Ruleset Specifics:
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