- Event Type
- Landing Event
- Passing Event
- Input Required
- Yes (Parameter)
- Programming Language
- MIPS (Assembly)
- Playable on N64 Hardware
- Untested
- Source
- Custom-Made
This event is designed to give the current player coins. After a message appears, the player will gain coins and play their happy voice and animation. The number of coins gained is decided by the parameter "CoinsGained". During the event, the player will face the space determined by the parameter "SpaceToFace".
Special thanks to The Memeyork Times (Foresttiger) for testing the event!
This event should be Everdrive-compatible. If there are any issues, please do not hesitate to let me know!
Edit Log:
EDIT (v1.1):
-Now checks if the current player is Bowser (during Bowser Bomb) and exits the event if so.
-Now checks if the current player is Bowser (during Bowser Bomb) and exits the event if so.